Spencer Hastings

Nice switch from third to first person.

I had to look up who Rose Leslie was.

I can think of a horse-related pun!

On the plus side, she did once correctly predict the results of the Super Bowl in advance.

Or just live in a bikini bottom.

Or, as she was known in high school, "Big Fat Goalie."


I can't eat croque monsieur after American Horror Story.

… and that's why no one says "eighteen hundredths of a meter."

… and men love motorboats.

How about Fierce Creatures?

minus Rachel McAdams and Rachel McAdams

Or he thinks that it has a hot side and a cool side that are slapped together, just as he details in his review.

"it turns out that the detective so doggedly pursuing Hough for murder is, in fact, the boozing, abusive husband she stabbed in self-defense"

Paying attention to the plot of a Bollywood movie is always a mistake.

Other classics: The Promise, Gremlins 2 ("gratuitous cameos"), and Don't Look Now ("memorable for steamy love scene and violent climax").

Alexander wept, for there were no more franchises to plunder.

Let's not forget 56 Up.

The story goes that he had contractual right of refusal on any future properties based on the series that give rise to The Detective.  So when another book in that series was made into Die Hard, he had to ceremonially be offered the role, just so he could turn it down.  No one ever seriously considered making the

Some oldies but goodies: