my taste is better than yours

the first one is great…the second one, not so much so
won't be seeing it in 3D, but it'll be nice to see it on the big screen wherever it's not playing in 3D

Raising Arizona had a pretty great funny chase scene.

I think that the writer was referring to the mailing of food to save a show…Which did not happen before Jericho. I wasn't born in time for Star Trek, but was part of several write-in campaigns for shows back in the late-70s, early-80s…None of them involved food. Which show that you guys mentioned did before Jericho?

…but there is a helicopter in the comic. They spot it while holed up in the prison, and find it downed in some woods. Couldn't it be a helicopter from the same source/base? If they didn't see a helicopter, they never would have left the prison…and we all know what happened after they found new people.
Just because

No Trust on DVD? Guess I'll have to hold on to that Laserdisc.
Loved everything I saw from Hartley through Amateur. Not a big fan of Girl from Monday.

Mulholland Falls?!?
Jennifer Connelly naked. I really don't think that I need to say anymore, but there's the extended clips of her naked upper half as she rides John Malkovich…a bit blurry, but incredibly hot. Her body in that movie may be the most attractive female form ever committed to film. Unfortunately, her

can't we just agree that Jeffrey Tambor is on three of the best shows ever?

Don't forget 'grimace' vs 'scream' facial expressions, vein-saturation through cross-hatching, and pointers on making any limb into a sharp angle.
I hope he spends some time on perspective.

they kinda sucked when they opened up for Belly…I worked 5 shows in a row on that tour, and was definitely not a Radiohead fan after the experience

btw, weirdest for me was watching the entire hall empty out after Peter Murphy opened up for The Church…obviously not goth enough

some of the greatest, 'virtually unknown at the time' openers I've seen:
The Clash opened for The Who (sure they were known, but THE CLASH)
Living Colour opening for The Godfathers
Pixies opening for Love & Rockets
KMD and Tribe Called Quest opening for De La Soul
Z-Trip opening for DJ Shadow and Cut Chemist
was gonna

best to worst Cure albums:
Head on the Door
Three Imaginary Boys
The Top
Japanese Whispers (singles)
Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me
…then anything after Disintegration

this was the last Cure album I ever purchased…
…and definitely not the best.

they were totally fucked…they sold the company to Vivendi

Sorry Sunglasses, but you are wrong, dude. They REALLY should have retired…just ask Charlie Watts.

Final word on 80s bands from someone who listened to way too much of this stuff in the 80s:

I have a bootleg copy of the show, and have rewatched it a couple of times. REALLY looking forward to finally upgrading to a clean copy. As a fan of the show back in it's original run, I would say that it's actually gotten better. The prescience that the people behind the show display in their prediction of a

Thank you, Norm MacDonald..That is the best MJ joke ever.

My favorite Artie story is definitely his buying cocaine while in the pig makeup for a "Babe-Watch" sketch.