
You mean Ababu?

You mean Ababu?

I've said it in past weeks—that I stay out of some misguided obligation toward characters I was once invested in—but the season finale was so tepid and disappointing that I finally feel free. Free to leave this show. Free to watch… something else.

I was able to give up That 70s Show after Topher Grace left, why can't I do the same with The Office sans Steve Carell?

Wow. No one likes commenting on this show. Not much to say, I guess. Uh… Cathy seriously considered forging her doctor's signature. Sean's conflict was easily solved, if not somewhat entertaining. Adam got booty. Andrea/Ababu is still wholly uninteresting. Paul's monologue took this one from a C+ to a B-.

I don't know how much more I can take
of Cartman as the protagonist. At least when Stan was the focus, the
show took a more somber, introspective turn that I could get behind,
for better or worse. Cartman at the helm means far-fetched plot lines
that play on the fact that he doesn't care, or the joke that he does
care, but

It's an interesting show, for sure. I don't quite know why I'm still watching, but it doesn't come anywhere near the half-hour I waste weekly on "The Office." Though I haven't been invested in a story line yet this season, I still care about the characters and get the most enjoyment out of their interactions. Gotta be

I finally understand the feeling of "Why am I still watching this?" I haven't been on board with The Office at all this season. Every week they find another way to deliver a wholly unfunny half-hour of TV and every week I come back hoping it'll be different. That's really all that's keeping me invested, hope. After

I thought this was supposed to be a review, not an episode summary. I get that not every episode can be action-packed, but this show is called "Adventure Time" and I have a hard time getting into an episode that is completely devoid of adventure. I mean, if there's gonna be this kind of filler episode, then at least

How can you have a subterranean paradise at a depth of just six feet?

Does anyone proofread anymore?