
uhh… like… how she met Slade and Shado, what happens when she tortures (?) Oliver (in those knee-high boots, ha), what kind of food they served in the LoA cafeteria, what are Ivo's plans… god, I can think of a lot of things I'd love to find out about her backstory.

Those commercials are weird and awesome. Putting product placement back where it belongs: in the commercial break!

"Let’s just hope we can all be as understanding as Detective Lance when that time comes."

I thought Out of Gas was a lot better…

I thought the flying-through-the-air part looked awful, effects-wise, and I hated Ward's impression of himself (it kind of ruined the initial "make fun of Ward" moment for me. He can't be in on it! He's SHIELD's Jerry from Parks and Rec!).

Love triangles are okay, because it doesn't force characters into preordained relationships. Having two characters exchange sexually tense banter in episode 1 shouldn't mean that all their other romantic options are closed.

that would make the entire SHIELD series worthwhile. Just like, seeing the characters putzing around in the background.

wait, what?!!

I am just sad, because I was obsessed with the original Teen Titans CN show. It got all dark and exciting, while maintaining its great sense of humor. TTG has the humor but none of the excitement and drama.

I can't bring myself to watch UG, the commercials look HORRIBLE.

is she the same Estelle who did that American Boy song? I loved that song when it came out.

too scared to click on your link

The cliches about gangsters is that they're sick of being powerless and so they decide to take power using crime?

I guess because the Mayor seemed so cool (those hipster glasses! I'm like a moth to a flame!!) I didn't think of it as racist. Besides, they even gave him motivation, and a character, thanks to his charismatic speech.

huh? why was it racist?

I thought it was funny because Laurel seemed totally fine in that scene. She wasn't acting disturbed or anything. Same with the wine scene; I thought she was just, like, enjoying a glass of red.

aww yeah, Oliver, lift that shirt.

that was the first Fred Hoidberg I've ever seen.

Maybe if she had freaked out about it, rather than seeming totally normal at dinner with the DA and at the party. But she's not coming across as traumatized, so the show has to have her literally say "My boyfriend died and I got kidnapped by a serial killer", rather than get it across with acting.

"Plus, we already saw his tattered mask with the arrow through it in the pilot, so clearly that ends poorly."