What pablum! "Rusty" isn't SAT-worthy enough for AA. NEED A FANCIER WORD.
What pablum! "Rusty" isn't SAT-worthy enough for AA. NEED A FANCIER WORD.
it's so weird; the ending (trying not to spoil the plot) made me so excited and enthusiastic— it looked like they were about to go on a Fellowship of the Ring-style epic journey— and then it ended. The rest of the movie was kind of ho-hum. Can we get a Noomi Rapace/Michael Fassbender's head sci fi buddy road movie?
seconded :[
I think it had more emotion juice in it because Maja had been using Hambo for spells already, sapping some of its magic energy.
I thought of Psych too!
I found out about it while reading the wikipedia page on beehives (the hairdo), was intrigued, watched it, and holy shit.
"Of Montreal has announced a new record"
I couldn't lump Skeletal Lamping together with Paralytic Stalks. I thought Lamping was one of their best albums. Triphallus, to Punctuate/Bloody Shadow and Plastis Wafers are amazing.
My opinion, and this is coming from a hugely obsessed fan, is that Paralytic Stalks… had some songs on it
wow, that's like the inverse twist of the fridge-man moment.
@avclub-52e423907968ddd10bbd2ec76092a7fc:disqus You assume a 60+ year-old woman knows how to burn DVDs. That is beyond the realm of possibility.
Masuka?! What'd he ever do to you?
didn't think I'd ever have to say this, but has it ever occurred to you that women have more purpose than just masturbation fodder?
gave me cookie, got you cookie…
I might be remembering incorrectly, but there's this really boring DVD feature where they talk about the two different cameras they used… I think it was intentional?!
those weren't bags, those were LSP's dresses!
our cable glitched RIGHT when he was threatening him… what did he say??! :'(
wow, Tuco, are you a writer for Megan's soap opera?
You don't think the way he kept aggressively trying to make out with her (despite her protests) was forcing himself on her? I mean, it wasn't rape but it was clearly a scary nonconsensual moment.