Former Twins 3rd Baseman Gary

Any podcast where Bono is the centerpiece is apparently going to be
great. This week's Bugle and UTU2TM are my only evidence, but still.

I kind of liked it as a cap to the episodes, but I guess I understand it from a time perspective.

The Right Reasons is a solid hang. Nice to see it on here.

Is this another episode of "Treating UTU2TM as Big a Phenomenon as Serial"

At those prices, who's fucking who?

Naaaaseeeem Pedraaaaad

That's the sound of Pepsi Next filling your earholes.

If you don't understand the "s" reference, you're probably from Rockford.

The Soldiers Field architect is from Boston, the Lucas Museum architect is from China. They need to start hiring architects from Chicago.

No vegetarian robot? "I don't eat meat"

Wicked is the best song on that album. That song sounds like a riot.

It's been awhile since he ripped on Christina Aguilera for messing up the words. But we remember.


Gary Glitter :(

He's liberal to the point of zealotry, which when you take conservatism far enough right as well, they converge on libertarian.

Andrew the Giant here. I just want to say that even though they don't get much run here, I really enjoy the Guess the Lines podcast the BS Report does with Cousin Sal.

I think it was the Comedy Bang Bang with Wain, Marino, and Rudd, where Rudd had that great freestyle rap.

Even when he isn't, he is.

LL's talking about butts. It's bloaticious, as in a big butt. It's skeevy that he's talking about butts, but in the end, butts are delicious. So is couscous. Is he good at working the butt? He'll let you be the judge. The jeans are where the butts reside.

No "In Theaters Now" category though.