Former Twins 3rd Baseman Gary

Aren't you the cool guy!

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all, Doug.

Enthusiasm is frowned upon here.  Things must be met with passive indifference. Whatever.

They sponsor my softball team.  Enjoy the recently renovated atmosphere.  It's lovely.

And the Twins won the World Series!

Also wrong verb tense.

I just want to pat myself on the back for calling this 2 months ago.  Anything that made Linden happy was just bound to go to crap.

No Problem.

The model boyfriend too.  But my money's on Linden's ex-partner.


He knew his job was to just pop in and for the most part stay out of the way of Garry and Gilly.

Since serial killers are known to kill animals, I figured that she saw that and realized that there may be a serial killer out there.  And the almost dead cow triggered that "I have to help the vulnerable" thing she has going.

The dumbest pro-gun argument is that we can't outlaw them because then only criminals would have them, because that basically invalidates all laws.

As always, serial killers are better than politicians.

I doubt the hive mind here will ever turn back around, since people hate on this show without watching it, but it was really enjoyable.

Always nice to meet a fan.

When one of the guys tried to rip on the magician by saying "I don't even believe in magic" it made my week.


It's tough when Howard is standing on his head all series.

"I've been swimming in raw sewage, and I love it!" - Leslie Nielsen