About Time

And….? What did you think?

And….? What did you think?

Finally someone mentions Tales for the Midnight Hour! Thanks Miller!

Finally someone mentions Tales for the Midnight Hour! Thanks Miller!

It wasn't Dark Forces ,edited by Kirby MacCauley, was it?

It wasn't Dark Forces ,edited by Kirby MacCauley, was it?

"Magic is FUN!!!……

"Magic is FUN!!!……

Did you do it? DID YOU?

Did you do it? DID YOU?

JB Stamper's Tales for the Midnight Hour!!!! I've gone through 800+ comments hoping someone would mention that book!!!!

JB Stamper's Tales for the Midnight Hour!!!! I've gone through 800+ comments hoping someone would mention that book!!!!

I read Peaceable Kingdom recently because I'm a big story story fan, if you like Ketchum's novels you'll love the short stories.

I read Peaceable Kingdom recently because I'm a big story story fan, if you like Ketchum's novels you'll love the short stories.

"Born of Man and Woman" by Richard Matheson is a great unsettling story, which I had forgotten until you mentioned RCM.

"Born of Man and Woman" by Richard Matheson is a great unsettling story, which I had forgotten until you mentioned RCM.

I can remember an American History book that showed one photograph piled-up corpses at Auschwitz - and this was a THIRD GRADE AmHist class!!! It was only one photo but still…

I can remember an American History book that showed one photograph piled-up corpses at Auschwitz - and this was a THIRD GRADE AmHist class!!! It was only one photo but still…