About Time

I'd add only one thing to the list:

Semper ubi sub ubi.

a) Boyd had a lot of time on his hands in prison
b) He used that time well
c) He's not nearly as dumb as he'd like everyone to believe 
d) Those White Power tattoos? Just kidding,,.

Good call.

Liked for "tick(tockman)". Mrmee, mrmee, mrmee.

You are very quickly becoming my favorite commentator, @avclub-e7761581146d19897d139363c58e9a3c:disqus . Keep up the great work!

I "liked" this a few hours ago and came back to read it again, just because it's that good.

You get the rest of my likes for the day.

These are the correct answers.

"My Jew has no nose!" 
"But how does he smell?" 

There were a couple of mentions of her earlier. But it should've been on the first page, at least.

At least no one's posted that Fluttershy is his waifu, thank Christ.

The show has taken on such a life of its own; it's hard to imagine that the writing for a television show would outshine Mr. Leonard himself, but looks like that's how it went down. (And I say this as a huge fan of both the show and almost all of Elmore Leonard's books.)

What browser are you using? Adblock works like a charm on Chrome, and Firefox too I'm told.

I logged in just so I could like this.

I liked 11/22/63 a lot too - finished it in like 5 days.

Man, I didn't even know The Book Of Drugs existed, so I'm gonna run out and get it - thanks @avclub-65b8e141bbf2ecf180a01929890c734e:disqus !

What wood Jesus do?

@avclub-0d4efaa2c9d1041eb9b8b5319eec8531:disqus - thank you for that link; you gave me a Christmas present and you didn't even know it!