About Time

I believe the correct term is "falcon punch" ?

*nods quietly in agreement*

I saw it just last week. You should see it, and as sad and disturbing as the story is it ends

"Limitless" was not terrible.

Try [REC] if you get the chance - not perfect by any means but pretty darn good.


I thought we were through with all this Candlejack bullsh

I guess you won this round, Herpes baby.

Once upon a time, there was a movie called Twice Upon A Time, which everyone should seek out instead of watching Once Upon A Time. http://www.imdb.com/title/t…


Watching it now… you had me at farting Jesus. Thanks for the link!


Yet Gromit is nowhere to be seen…

Or did you mean Jesus loves Everyone But You?

What a class act. Thanks for this interview.

His "Jesus CHRIST!!!" after the shootout? Totally sold me. He is so good on this show.

I would like this over and over again if I could.

I've been seeing a TON of ads with the "I'm a Mormon" tagline - television commercials and billboards. I thought it was strange but maybe just a Pacific NW recruiting tactic or something (it isn't like Mormons don't have a few bucks to spare).

Same. Though I thought maybe the title referred to something else entirely.