I was under the impression that certain segments of the internet have agreed that the fox goes "yiff."
I was under the impression that certain segments of the internet have agreed that the fox goes "yiff."
Now, when the [bleep] is KOH going to show up?
Every time I read about this album, I think to myself: "Kyiptin! Our Reflektor is useless against nuklear wessels!"
I've been watching The Greatest American Hero, and I'd love to see episode reviews. (How else will I know what opinions to have?)
So, no more classic Doctor Who reviews? I really looked forward to those. :(
So… what exactly does Bill Watterson do these days?
Halloween was pretty uneventful this year. Watched the pilot for Reaper. I was a fan when it aired, but that was before I had a widescreen TV, so I tell myself I haven't really seen it. Don't know when I'll get around to watching them all. Also the pilot for The Strange Calls, an Australian comedy about a rookie cop…
Troy Barnes'.
In heaven, the science textbooks teach creationism and geocentrism.
And Teen Angel reminds me of You Wish, a sitcom about a genie, which aired in the same block. I have a strange fondness for that show. Jerry Van Dyke was in that one too for some reason. I videotaped every episode. Including the Christmas episode, which the internet claims never aired, so I'm apparently from a…
Man, I am gonna love this column. It's right up my proverbial alley. Suggestions:
I went out this weekend! Twice, even! That comedy club is becoming like a regular hang-out spot for me.
Thanks in part to Billboard’s decision earlier this year to include YouTube plays in its calculations…
If you're willing to read a nearly 250-page fan-comic, this comes pretty close: http://comics.shipsinker.co…
For years I've dreamed of a Salute Your Shorts reunion special/parody. If I recall correctly (and I rarely do), the world outside the summer camp is almost never acknowledged at all. So, get all of the cast back together, they're all 20-something years older, and just play it like everyone's been at the camp for…
Couldn't split up Franklin and Bash (that's true)
Couldn't split up Tango and Cash (that's also true)
This is our song of exultant joy because
We only came to kick some ass
I sometimes seriously wonder, if/when we ever do meet extraterrestrials, what will they think of Close Encounters and E.T.? And will they find those movies just as offensive as movies that portray aliens negatively?
I loved Mr. Sprinkles and Sin Trek.
I can't wait to see the weekly adventures of Generic Super-Hero!