
@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus "
I can’t believe New Directions didn’t take smiley-face guitar guy to Nationals. Also, that bus looked really full for the glee club being so unpopular. I didn’t realize it had so many members! "

Why does Todd keep reviewing Glee, with all the bad grades it has gotten lately? Not defending the episode, just wondering why he didn't give up on it like Whitney?

ah I see.
and no problem. even if that was sarcasm.

are you like a sales person for all-region DVD players or something?
or are you just really proud of the fact that you own one?
you mention it a LOT.

Ah, I see your point.  I just thought they always applied whatever song they could to go with their theme/artist/album/lesson/etc. I haven't been noticing anymore misses than normal lately, I guess I'm not paying attention well enough.

Yeah, the concept was weird. I'll give you that. I just really loved the arrangement, that could be due to the fact I find Lady Gaga grating.

few things.
1. I must really underestimate the influence of whitney houston, if so many people are convinced teenagers wouldn't know anything about her. Being one, i'm very confused.
2. I kinda like how Shue's "lesson" got ignored and the kids just applied the songs to whatever they wanted.  Because isn't that what kids

idk. i thought it worked, at least a B. but what do I know i'm not the t.v. critic. nice write up.