
Shit man, remember Lone Star?  That show had potential.

I am completely and hopeless in love with Jennifer Lawrence after Silver Linings Playbook.  Therefore this episode deserves an A.

I'm not sure if I like Felicity because she's used sparingly or because of the charm of the actress.  But damnit, I love her scenes and just want her to be chilling in the cave (basement?) with Dig and Oliver..just yuo know…rappin bout life.

I will smile and watch this 10 minutes at a time on TNT in a couple years and think about it fondly.

I will smile and watch this 10 minutes at a time on TNT in a couple years and think about it fondly.

Little do they know money has no value in the world they seek to create!

So the shadowy group's plot is basically to make the plot of Revolution happen?

"I'm still 6.  Why?"

It's like someone created a movie specifically tailored to destroy me.

Please don't encourage me.

It's a living.

Whoa, that piece of shit was nominated?  One of the laughably worst movies I saw this year.  That's disheartening.

Wait, he was re-elected?

Is Zero Hour for real?  That's not a fake thing from 30 Rock or something?  If it's real, I will watch every episode.  Anyone committed so making something so outrageously ridiculous while ostensibly taking itself seriously deserves all the ratings.

Is Zero Hour for real?  That's not a fake thing from 30 Rock or something?  If it's real, I will watch every episode.  Anyone committed so making something so outrageously ridiculous while ostensibly taking itself seriously deserves all the ratings.

No, son! We were all confused and upset once too.  This is part of growing up.  Once an Oscar has been awarded, it can't be taken away.

No, son! We were all confused and upset once too.  This is part of growing up.  Once an Oscar has been awarded, it can't be taken away.

I'm going to spend the next few days doing some deep soul searching in an attempt to determine what inside of me causes this pain at not seeing more Legend of Korra on these lists.

I'm going to spend the next few days doing some deep soul searching in an attempt to determine what inside of me causes this pain at not seeing more Legend of Korra on these lists.

Any lingering curiosity to tune into this has been effectively squashed by my disdain for its participants.  Bravo MTV for breaking the curse.