I'd watch that if Taylor Swift hosted.
I'd watch that if Taylor Swift hosted.
*sigh* I know. <cue sad="" charlie="" brown="" music=""> *hangs head, walks home*
*sigh* I know. <cue sad="" charlie="" brown="" music=""> *hangs head, walks home*
I say this is good for the video game industry…that maybe the medium will be considered a place where stories can be told…but it's just Call of Duty.
I say this is good for the video game industry…that maybe the medium will be considered a place where stories can be told…but it's just Call of Duty.
I feel like saving the money of putting on the show and just giving a boatload of money to charity is a better way to celebrate giving. Unless they are maybe raising substantially more than it costs to put on through advertising? I don't really understand how award shows work.
I feel like saving the money of putting on the show and just giving a boatload of money to charity is a better way to celebrate giving. Unless they are maybe raising substantially more than it costs to put on through advertising? I don't really understand how award shows work.
I hope Drew thinks Sarah and Mark's relationship ending is his fault and it sends him into a greater depression. I want to see how mopey he can get.
I hope Drew thinks Sarah and Mark's relationship ending is his fault and it sends him into a greater depression. I want to see how mopey he can get.
I think we are forgetting how Kristina was before the cancer arc. Wonderful actress being asked to be a harpy. If Marlize got off her high horse from that discussion it's because Kristina knocked her the fuck off.
I think we are forgetting how Kristina was before the cancer arc. Wonderful actress being asked to be a harpy. If Marlize got off her high horse from that discussion it's because Kristina knocked her the fuck off.
I agree with the grade and the outrage but would assign it elsewhere. Chloe and by extension June essentially raped a mentally handicapped man. The jokes around that made me cringe.
I agree with the grade and the outrage but would assign it elsewhere. Chloe and by extension June essentially raped a mentally handicapped man. The jokes around that made me cringe.
If so then it could allow for a more natural "Mark doesn't understand parenting" wedge.
If so then it could allow for a more natural "Mark doesn't understand parenting" wedge.
"This righteous buffalo YOLO'd so you can have smothered in sweet sweet Donkey Sauce! YEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHH!!"
"This righteous buffalo YOLO'd so you can have smothered in sweet sweet Donkey Sauce! YEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHH!!"
I heard someone call for me? That new Star Trek Movie looks fun! The bad guy is Ghengis Khan or something?