"I just can't understand what kind of person would think pointing to a
limo and saying "I pulled up in that" would get them into a hot LA club"
"I just can't understand what kind of person would think pointing to a
limo and saying "I pulled up in that" would get them into a hot LA club"
It is called Doctor Who, in BBC. Oh, that was the joke. Damn.
He has the condo investment with one tenant. This is probably the source of his wealth, plus his income as a designer.
Have you met women? They love jackasses, but only if they´re real ones, full of tattoos, rock-band in tow, and a motorcycle. It is a phase.
I liked it. He is relatively successful (probably a good investment when he bought the complex/apartment/whatever) and still he can´t get a break, but he means well.
Because the story was really done. And she is a woman, she can´t lose so much as a loser guy. (Btw: I LOVED Enlightened. Another Season could be her being oblivious to the power struggles and corruption in any NGO).
Or he could say "I am Stephen Merchant. I can put your ass in a TV series. I did The Office. Yes, we can go back to my place with your bi-curious model female friend. No, you can´t stay after breakfast".
You won. Kudos, sir.
Yes, they do. And desperate ´mericuns tired of the fat surrounding them do it. Every time. Have you seen "Beauty and the Geek"? They did one "mission" once where they uglyfied the beauties and asked them to demand drinks in a bar. The results were hilarious.
Weird thing about Sarah Wright: her Facebook was at the time open, in the sense that you could write directly to her, and she was still kind of a struggling actress. Must be a very nice humble lady.
Don´t. It is not your fault if you live in the US. Travel, go to South America (Colombia) or better, go to South East Asia or Eastern Europe. Get laid. Maybe find somebody.
I am 37 and I still do the bar thing. Sometimes I get lucky, most of the times I don´t (since I don´t have money). Don´t cling into romantic ideals, it is all about power, and this works for ANY woman, the nice romantic one that teaches in kindergarten, and the powerful lawyer that works 25 hours a day.
Cheating who exactly?
"There is a certain level of inherent attraction and chemistry required for any of these individual qualities to work"
Electronic manipulation and purposefully confusing ballots.
In Argentina we have since 2011 what is called PASO: "Open Obligatory Simultaneous Primaries". You can vote to any candidate of any primary of any party (of course, only one per category), so if you have two candidates in party A, three in party B, one in party C, you can vote for only one of those. So in fact you…
Argentina gives the ID to you when you are born (well, to your parents). It is an obligation to register your baby when he/she is born. Now we have been renewing the IDs in the last years, they are now a very cool cards that can be read by machines, I guess in the future they could have medical info linked (that…
Again with the marxist thing. Well, let me explain what a Marxist is. A Marxist is somebody that believes that the explanation of Karl Marx about the production of wealth is correct: namely, that the producers of wealth are the workers that work and not the capitalist that "rents" them the means of production, thus…
A Marxist is not what you think it is, dubium.
This reminds me the times when I visit the US, and I need to put if I am white or "Hispanic" or whatever. Every time I check another one, because we don´t use these categories in my country and they are really weird. I had a Jewish Israeli professor whose parents or grandparents were from an Arab country, so he put…