
Was that or a war with China.  There is a good movie plot happening outside the Dome right now.

And they made her run to her house, bouncing, bouncing.

Have you seen "Orange is the New Black"?.  Is about women, with real life stories.  They don´t dance too much, but they sing.

Now that I think of it, Being Erica is a truly post-feminist show: all the ugly leads of American Feminism are there: the high-power woman that wants it all, the dreamy gentlemen that wants her despite the fact that Erica is a twat (but have large breasts), and more.  In fact, it looks like in the end Erica is more a

Points given for naming Being Erica (even when at the end Erica just got annoying with all the relationships and multiple "falling in loves")

Women do not have the power: high-class women now have important positions in the job market, making power couples with their high class husbands so they can rob you blind, even more than before.  That is what we call feminism in reality.

Or one.  Hey, I´m saving for a trip.

That Koch guy, isn´t?

"I want to set every single sneering Sex And The City reference in this show on fire."

Zion is the historical place, methinks.  It is shared by the three big monotheistic Western religions.

@avclub-c98389ee0e2ffdf95aee68056eca9a37:disqus  you are wrong.  A state for the Jewish people is a necessary condition to be a Zionist, but it is not sufficient.  A Zionist maintains that Israel must be a Jewish State, so no place for national representations of other "peoples".

A Zionist is a person that do not believes that Israel is the land of the Jewish People, but that Israel is the Jewish Land.  There is a big difference between both concepts.  As a Jewish left-wing non-zionist Israeli by immigration, I favor the first option, which means that other people (guess who?) can also live

Is not a Kennedy administration photo.

Dick Cheney does not pact with the Devil, because Satan knows that he does not want Cheney with him in Hell.

The Hollywood life obviously.  Or do you really think that famous women go out with chumps with normal jobs?

Why the problem with the Groundhog? His movie is a classic with the best Bill Murray ever.

Why the problem with the Groundhog? His movie is a classic with the best Bill Murray ever.

The Doctor.

September 21st (start of Spring south of the Equator) is a student "holiday" in Argentina.  High-school students take to the parks do a picnic.  Drunk? They get drunk anyway every weekend, nobody cares about age-limit laws around here.

September 21st (start of Spring south of the Equator) is a student "holiday" in Argentina.  High-school students take to the parks do a picnic.  Drunk? They get drunk anyway every weekend, nobody cares about age-limit laws around here.