The Great Valerio

I… I got nothing.

"Keep it awesome for as long as you can… You go home tonight and you dress up real slutty, and you do butt stuff with your boyfriend. For all of us, who let love die by becoming ordinary."

I rewatched the pilot and was struck by how almost unrecognizable the character was. Donohue got so much more awesome as the show went along, and by the time they got to the finale, I felt about as genuinely concerned as you can for a person that doesn't actually exist. Hell of a coup on the show's part.

Watch it from the beginning. It's very character-driven and taking the time to get to know these people from square one is a must.

"This gay porn site pays me 10 bucks a dick. (Gasps) I have a job!"

The museum sequence is the one thing I will always give the movie credit for.

I always appreciate the once or twice a year when someone knows where the name came from.

I feel exactly the same way, I just wanted to state that as my street cred for not blowing the whistle on every movie where a lunatic could be read as a queer character if you're lazy enough.

Honestly, I'm still working through my feelings about the way this movie's twist fails for me while Psycho and Silence of the Lambs have never bothered me. I think it has to do with the fact that those other movies in similar boats tried to make those characters unique while Dressed to Kill was more like "And in the

I'm generally open to arguments like the one here, but it's hard for me to not watch this movie and feel like the core concept isn't "Damn, queers are weird."

Also, Parker Posey.

Would anyone like to join my campaign for Gina Rodriguez to play Clarice? Not letting this go anytime soon.

In a world where scheduling conflicts don't exist, I would love to see Tatiana Maslany or Gina Rodriguez play Clarice.

Armitage sold me on the idea of Just Some Guy That's Possessed by Something Awful. "Man with a beast on his back" and whatnot.

I honestly can't believe I didn't see it coming.

Congratulations to this show for being the first time in or TV or Film that I found someone being brutally slaughtered to be genuinely sweet and moving, while still feeling awful for the person being slaughtered.

It's dark enough that I honestly don't know.

Re: the Bedelia coda, my favorite theory is that Will and Hannibal nabbed her during their escape, prepared dinner, got interrupted by Dolarhyde, went over the cliff, and one-legged Bedelia is hiding a meat fork waiting for them to come back (and they probably never will). It makes the most logistical sense, given the

That may have been the most romantic ending to a series that I've ever seen. And also the most the horrific. I would expect nothing less from this show.

"Which fictional boss would you want to work for?"