The Great Valerio

In my imaginary awards show that exists in my brain because I've given up on existing award shows to acknowledge good shit, Wesley is currently the frontrunner for Best Guest Drama Actress, with Katherine Isabelle as the dark horse. This show is an absolute badass at guest casting.

Re: Point 7, I think we can all agree we've reached the end of the road, but can at least get a Denise spinoff? I'd like to know what her day-to-day is like.

Gillian's debut episode. FORESHADOWING?

I kind of want the show to keep Bedelia mysterious, since that gels really well with Anderson's performance, but I gotta say, I love how much this episode clarifies about her. Knowing definitively that she's "just as twisted" makes so much lock into place.

Real talk: My life is flying off the rails right now, and I never expected a Comedy Central show with a weird-ass premise to so accurately nail the events leading up to it.

Honestly, I would totally watch a Constance spin-off.

Part of why I will probably never quit this show is that it's the kind of show where the Pope having a secret box is a completely random sidepoint.

In 42 years, Ellen Burstyn and no one else, at least in terms of being the main character.

I watch because I'm a militant Hendricksonian.

It's the question of how they're calculating the fanbases that's baffling to me. I mean, who was clamoring for more Prison Break, Heroes, or Coach?

"She picked the wrong bitch to throw meat at."

"I don't know how you're going to die, I just know you're not going to have anyone near you when it happens."

I don't… I don't understand the criteria that they're using to decide what shows to resurrect.

I go back and forth on the show as a whole, but I'll least always give it credit for the fact that I've never seen a show do what it does in the fifth episode.

I almost threw up. I'll never wrap my head around how this show can be so disappointing so often and then out of nowhere unleash a scene like THAT on you.

Ann Dowd is fucking awesome and after her last two shows, I really hope she finds her way out of the "Disappointing Cable Drama" circuit.

I've been meaning to watch the new True Detective, but every line I see quoted makes me feel awful and embarrassed for the writers, so I probably never will.

I would fucking LOVE to find out how the internet would treat this show if Lindelof was never involved.

I also hope it stays unresolved. The show frustrates me, but I really love that one of its ground rules is that the disappearances will never be resolved. Tragedy feels baffling and incomprehensible in real life, and feels like a plot device in movies/TV. The Leftovers put the incomprehensible back into tragedy, and

It's a really upsetting scene in and of itself, but the fact that it was Kathy Geiss made it unwatchable to me.