The Great Valerio

I shotgunned the whole season in an afternoon. I have never seen a three hour movie that was as easy to sit through as these six episodes in a row. Between this and You're the Worst, I'm so psyched that Romantic Comedies For People That Hate Romantic Comedies is slowly becoming an actual TV genre.

Yeah, the whole "brainwashed children take over the world" thing is chilling on paper, but makes absolutely no sense when you take five seconds to walk through how that would play out in your head.

I generally agree (I watch it as a comedy more than as a horror series), but I will vouch for the whole sequence with the nipple lamp and the trap door in season 2 as being scary as hell.

I would kill anyone to have John Waters guest-showrun a season of this show.


This ending didn't really work for me, but considering the track record of mythology-dense shows wrapping things up, it could have so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, much worse. So much worse. At least this ending just didn't make sense, as opposed to making you retroactively hate the rest of the series.

I always respected Leo (her guest spot on Louie is so fucking great), but I don't think I realized how awesome she was until this show came around.

As a cliffhanger for a second season it was awful, because a hypothetical season 2 would almost definitely have to make Ben the main character, and who in the HELL would want to watch that? Maybe if the ending set it up for some sort of Carla Gugino-Melissa Leo buddy cop situation moving forward, but as is, I would

The writing and directing may have totally failed Melissa Leo overall this season, but I'm still impressed by her. She played about four different characters this season and played them all perfectly. Does Orphan Black need another batch of clones?

A lot of the series clicked into place for me last week when it became clear that Pilcher's plan wasn't supposed to make sense, but that the whole WP project was the work of a deranged egomaniac that needs to control people. Clarifying that made the story work for me emotionally, but at the end of the day, the whole

The ending is really great if you pretend that there were three imaginary episodes beforehand that set it up properly. If I read a paragraph-long summary of the season on Wikipedia, I would have been like "Damn, that's interesting", but watching the actual show, the last five minutes is fucking baffling and completely

There were a few episodes that were frustrating because it felt like it was telling a nonsense story to serve a poorly thought-out twist, and then the penultimate episode clarified a few things and made it interesting again, and I'm still on-board, but I still don't trust this show to stick the landing.

No one else could make Satan lovable.

Ian McShane was one of the all-time greats at knowing exactly what this show is and exactly what to do with the material. He was a fucking blast.

God that was so awful. That might have been the ultimate example of how hollow Murphy's attempts to make his work "progressive" are. And dear God there are so many of those examples.

Sidenote, Uproxx is fueling a rumor that Conroy is in contention to play Amy Schumer's mother in a comedy where they're kidnapped together, which OH SHIT

Oh my God. Will someone with the power to do things please cast them as sister bank robbers or something? And can Patricia Clarkson play the third sister?

Yes, by not bringing Frances Conroy on board yet.

"…and then five men held you down and took your virginity. Well, the first one did. But the others took your dignity, and your self-worth… and worst of all… they took your Christmas spirit!"

I would like to add Angela Basset's line reading of "…AND THEN I'M GONNA CUT YOUR DICK OFF AND SHOOT YOU IN THE HEAD."