
Nothing to do with anything legal. it was because it wasn't going to be so easy. It allows something a little more room

Nothing to do with anything legal. it was because it wasn't going to be so easy. It allows something a little more room

If you've met younger conservatives you've met a Phil.

If you've met younger conservatives you've met a Phil.

They didn't write it Will Smith (who plays Phil) and Ian Martin did.

They didn't write it Will Smith (who plays Phil) and Ian Martin did.

I love both of them, possibly because I love both the actor's outside work (they are both comedians rather than just actors) which is just wonderful. I genuinely recommend downloading The Consultants (the sketch troupe Justin Edward's who plays Ben was in who won a Perrier Best Newcomer award) radio series. It's one

I love both of them, possibly because I love both the actor's outside work (they are both comedians rather than just actors) which is just wonderful. I genuinely recommend downloading The Consultants (the sketch troupe Justin Edward's who plays Ben was in who won a Perrier Best Newcomer award) radio series. It's one

That is a joke I loved but clearly went over the heads of most of the audience particularly non-British and non-historically minded types.

That is a joke I loved but clearly went over the heads of most of the audience particularly non-British and non-historically minded types.

Not a remake.

Not a remake.

The AV Club often get things wrong.

The AV Club often get things wrong.

Well as all the other reviews I've read about it so far it has pretty good or at worst not bad if not particularly great.

Well as all the other reviews I've read about it so far it has pretty good or at worst not bad if not particularly great.

I disagree Peter and Phil are just my favorites and their getting an episode is more than ustified.. I think the point is there a world weariness and snarkiness to Manion that cannot be beat, when he is allowed to be he is a much much more competent politician who like his IRL counter part Ken Clarke is clearly a bit

I disagree Peter and Phil are just my favorites and their getting an episode is more than ustified.. I think the point is there a world weariness and snarkiness to Manion that cannot be beat, when he is allowed to be he is a much much more competent politician who like his IRL counter part Ken Clarke is clearly a bit

She's definitely portray as pretty useless but a kind of ok face in s3.

She's definitely portray as pretty useless but a kind of ok face in s3.