the vicars laundry

I love this column, and please Teti, for the love of a god, always more Phil Simms magic

I love this column, and please Teti, for the love of a god, always more Phil Simms magic

I dunno. Seems like kind of a dick move to not go to bat for your HBO show considering all the cast and crew involved just because you and your brother, who do have many, many other things in the works that you're getting paid to do, are tired and going through a mid-life crisis, of sorts. If I worked on

This guy fucks!

True Story Broh:
In the summer of 2015 I was working in Unalakleet, AK, and stayed with the family of Nick, the "Eskimo Warrior". His episode aired while I was there, and watching it with him and his family and friends was a neat experience. He didn't make it past one of the later obstacles, but he did build a

It's a tuff question to answer.

well it smells like poo and it sure looks crappy,
gotta get it back to the north pappy flappy!

i know for a fact this guy is a nice dude, and obviously a helluva musician and songwriter. "Paper Wings" off of I Break Chairs is a consistent go-to amp-up rock-n-roll song for me. it is so kickass.

I love The Vanishing. Jeff Bridges speaking through fucked up face makeup with a weird accent, primo-era Nancy Travis, Kiefer of course… and the scenes shot in North Bend! I still stop and get gas there when I go back home and have to drive between Tri-Cities and Seattle. Mount Si is a fun little hill to climb

he was the glue behind so many great shows.

downvoted for putting Barton Fink at the bottom, you bastard

The Fog of War 2: Elven Lessons from the Life of Legolas, Son of Thranduil

John Grant, "GMF"

she's as Ann on the nose of Plain's face!


"Blazing Fartles" hahah

i believe it is: clownpenis@fart.net

*smashes rocks glass into vanity*
P.T. Anderson! When I've raised Hell, you'll know it!

what do you think about that, Headfuck?!

goddammit Myles, you scared the holy living shit out of me when you wrote "Who is James Ford?" in Stray Observations… as someone who shares that name in real-life with Josh Holloway's character, it still freaks me out a little. more so when the show was on, of course.