
The lines are a bit blurred in those cases.

I hope they do a Justified Week the week of the finale!

Offerman did a surprise show in a dive bar in my city last night and I totally missed it. I shall now give him a huge hug for this if I see him around town.

Isn't that just the tabloid news papers there?

City City CITY CITY!!!!

City Mouse, in reference to the story The City Mouse and the Country mouse.

That's what I was wondering!

Colonel Mustard and Miss Scarlet got married! Wicked!

Mmm mmm mmm mmm

You know what? Maybe we all need some space, to pull the knife out of the back of the most celebrated Canadian alt-rock band of the mid 90s, you selfish, jaded, ass!

Ahhh that's it. They think all woman are equipped with porno boobs. Their data was skewed!

Hurdy Gurdy or GTFO.

I thought Zachariah got two good ones in? Either way that was a fantastic part.

I agree. I took it more as "giving them a taste of their own medicine" having unwanted creepy attention than having her saved by men.

I think Boyd does something noble and gets himself killed (that'd atone for Dewey). And I think its probably trying to save Raylan, and Raylan will realize how much he truly loves Boyd

Boyd's countin' on Raylan being the only friend he's got left in this world.

And Rollo….oh myyyyyy

I just started Hardcore Troubadour: The life and near death of Steve Earle. So far its awesome!

Thank you for that.