
My favorite tweet about this said something to the effect of "So I've been eaten alive by exactly as many anacondas as the guy on Eaten Alive has?"

Pfft. If the Riders aint in it neither am I.

Let's all get pap smears to celebrate! Keep your football, America!


To the shore? Where he played video games and bought Def Leopard tshirts?


I have such a crush on him.

A young one?

I was surprised when I went to Graceland that he was the voice of the self guided tour. Made me vaguely uneasy for some reason.

I hear they actually wrote in Malcolm running as much as possible because it was hilarious

You sound like a Nazi Julie Andrews.



Her death had no emotional resonance because that was the third time they showed it. The two fake outs really took away from the impact.

I felt bad that he took most of the flack for appropriating the music. He actually grew up on it and loved it. Blame America's record buying public. They wanted to hear the music but they wanted to hear it coming from a pretty white boy.

Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Variety Show Hosts

I keep reading this a Paul Rudd and assume is some wacky misunderstanding.

You must obey the Dance Commander

Also Boyd's smile and Tim's smarm.

Raylan's hat from Justified