
You can use trial by combat and have your champion (TBD) fight for you. They win, you win. They lose, you lose.

I haven't seen the second episode but the first one didn't really hold my attention. I'll give it another shot though!

This isn't the right place to put this probably but are we getting a RIP Farley Mowat?

Has it been long enough that people can rediscover "Do The Bartman"

Wasn't Flea also in it?

Clicked purely for Gérard Depardieu

And it seems in character for her. Desperate and none too smart.

I find that's a very Scottish trait!

It really does! I found it a bit bumpy but I loved it shortly there after.

I hope he writes another book. Between the Bridge and the River was fantastic.

Or they're showing how rape basically would have been dealt with in a society like that. She runs around crying "My brother, hero, Kingsgaurd, raped me" a lot worse is going to happen to her. She's using the only power available to her, pushing him away.

Ya that combined with the casual rape and "fuck them to death" made the scene just too far out there for me.

Can we go back to sexposition? It was a lot more fun than rapeosition.

I dunno…Its gone from sexposition to rapeosition. Its uncomfortable.

Share with the class??

Was he nice? He seems like he'd be nice.

I liked him in P&R and was surprised how much I liked him as a serious actor in Bright Star.

And people's reactions, they are more upset that Jamie has lost some likable points instead of the fact that a woman was raped. Unsettling.

Never get tired of zinging the Leafs!