
Got it…it's confusing because Marshall has many nicknames. On the hardwoord courts of Minnesota he's Vanilla Thunder, in college he was also Beercules. What is his skeeball nickname? Is it Big Fudge?

I thought Big Fudge was Marshall

Is Barney White Fudge?

Come again for Little Fudge? Is that the first time Lily has called herself that? I know Marshall is Big Fudge…is Robin Maple Fudge? Does Ted just say "come again for Teddy West Side?"

Yeah as the article linked mentions, it's probably him in visions, which makes sense. I feel like the Bran plot in book 5 is REALLY FUCKING OUT THERE and I think having this guy show up as an actual person, and a Targaryen, might help ease TV viewers into the whole thing of Bran, Jojen and Meera in a weird cave with

Got it

I was a little confused…who was the guy that they found locked in a cell who also had died from the flu?

Eh he's kind of always been a bit more jerky than goofy. Remember the bachelor party? And the whole ordeal with naming their baby? They both seem like irritating people, a couple that I bet a lot of people are very familiar with

The visual of the zombies coming through the ceiling was awesome, I just didn't really get why it was suddenly happening at that very moment. I'm assuming the zombies are constantly wondering all over that roof, you're telling me in all that time none of them hit the bad patches that were seemingly EVERYWHERE on the

Oh definitely, great song choice. So they just didn't really say anything other than that he died? 

I stopped watching the show last season but was curious how they handled the death on the show. He missed the end of last season also right? And then obviously wasn't there for the 1st two episodes this year and then episode 3 opens and they're singing the Rent song. 

Historical side note…in July of 1915 the Western Electric Hawthorne works of Cicero charted the SS Eastland and 2 other ships for a company cruise on Lake Michigan. While docked on the Chicago river the Eastland listed and tipped over and 220 people died.

Kudos on the Frank Capone death…they changed the Big Jim Colisimo death to fit the show but for Capone they kept it historically accurate and worked it all in. 

My prediction…Julia and Joel mend their rocky marriage by purchasing the Braverman house. Joel will fix it up, make it new and Camille and Zeek will move to their condo in the city. 

Well that's only 8 episodes into the run of Sleepy Hollow so I'm guessing Almost Human is replacing Bones? That's hopefully going to be a solid night of TV

I feel like this isn't really a show but it's maybe some kind of social experiment or performance art piece on the internet?

Obviously Fox is saying the episode with the clothes-trying-on montage for sweeps

Is 13 episodes the plan for every season or was it just a short order to see how it went? Also when does Almost Human premiere? Is that coming after Sleepy Hollow ends?

I love April Fool's Day…every year I get sucked into some prank

If you don't like that kind of repetition in humor then you probably aren't HIMYM fan…it's something they've always done very well and this 55 hour wedding weekend of a season is going to be the perfect way to show that off.