
This show is and always has been an ensemble and as a book reader I can say the same about those. I was actually concerned that the show wasn't giving enough time to Robb and that his death wouldn't be as meaningful but I can see that it is.

Exactly…you can fault Robb for being dumb and too trustworthy but he's also young and inexperienced. And the reason Frey is mad at him is because he broke another huge social more of the time.

They don't call him the Late Walder Frey for nothing…he never pisses in the wind. And the Bolton's are horrible people. Robb is dumb for ever trusting either of them but again he's only what 17? And he wouldn't listen to his mom until it was too late.

Yeah, I'm seeing a lot of episode recaps all over the interwebs by people who seemingly have read the books and everyone seems convinced Cat is dead.

My blabbermouth aunt ruined Robb's death for my wife but she did not know about Grey Wind or Cat, and of course we were both surprised by Talisa although I was never happy with the change in her character.

Yeah, anyone ever been to a wedding with a cash bar? Brutal

He will 100% die at his wedding. There's no way the show gives short shrift to the Purple Wedding, absolutely no way. The wedding will also be next season. Martin just announced the addition of Mace Tyrell to season 4's cast so he will show up for his daughter's wedding, which I believe will be early next season.

Robb is only 16 ya know

Right, that was kind of weird…on the other hand lemons/lemonade etc…


I think that just like with the Barristan Selmy reveal coming so early, I think we'll get Lady Stoneheart, or at least the notion of her. She will wash up on the shore and Beric and Thoros will find her and hopefully the nonreaders will remember and have some hope. And then yeah next season there will be lots of

I am personally not happy with their decision to kill Talisa. In the books the character is very different and there are a lot of theories/ambiguities. I'm guess now that all those theories are meaningless in future books.

What I want to know is what do they do with Edmure and The Blackfish now. Those characters I believe are largely absent from book 3 after the Red Wedding. I think the concept of The Blackfish holding Riverrun while Edmure is marched out there everyday to the gallows is something that would play really great on the

I think that we will get a slightly deranged Cat who can still talk but only in a hoarse whisper. Her skin will not be sloughing off like she was a zombie and she will exact revenge on the Frey's with the remaining members of the BWB.

I think we see the Brotherhood discover Cat's body in the river by the end of the final episode. And we better see a motherfuck wolf head on Robb's body. If they can go as brutal as what they did to Talisa, totally fabricated, then wolf on Robb has to happen.

It's funny in the newbies review that the reviewer says that everyone is dead, there's no uncertainty. 

But did Jamie really have a hand in the Red Wedding?

Right…although that's not until book 4 right? i'm wondering if they are just going to kill off all the Tully's at this point. Or I guess they could move the siege of Riverrun to season 4, but then Jamie has to be there for that so maybe not?

The fact that the Blackfish went to take a piss makes me think he's still alive. They locked the door before it all went down so I'm guessing they were counting on the main players still being in there. I can't remember what happens to Edmure.

Well even if you can, it's funnier to have to figure it out.