
Well everyone knows the next logical step after DDO-JSIOC is Captain. Bang BHCIII reference!

I think this is the episode that might have lost me completely. I'm willing to forgive the deep, deep conspiracy of the cult since that is the central conceit of the show. It's an interesting idea but the stupidity of the authorities is so unbelievable.

That's pretty solid for a kid's cartoon

It does seem as if they set this whole thing up a long time ago with Batgirl stumbling onto those ruins in Queen Bee's lair. Unless that was purely an invention for the flashback and never in a previous episode. Plus you always have magical characters in the DC Universe so it's not like they just pulled them out of

Replacing Nick Kroll with Chris Diamantopolous is kind of like replacing Moe Howard with some non-descript actor of Greek heritage


Can someone remind me who Karl Schulz (Schulze? Schultz?) is on this show? Beeman's boss mentioned something about calling him to change the encryption on the FBI vehicles but I swear he was mentioned earlier in the episode by one of the Russians. 

Pretty good use of Roxy Music at the end of…can't remember which episode the one where they find the dead Russian's wife in the car with the fake heroin set-up and the baby is taken to Russia.

Maybe I've missed something but I don't quite get how Shelby could be Drew based on all that stuff about him being tied to the Clover Hill people. Unless that was a lie. It was Raylan's hill person cousin who told him that Drew was on a different hill now right? Or was that someone else? 

The name Yankton stood out to me but I couldn't for the life of me remember why until now.

Jeff Garlin's rant about Andy Dick during the Jeff Tweedy episode of "By the Way" is pretty amazing.

I too am very liberal, although never identified as a socialist. I also love the movie and thought it was the best of last year. I think it's an important movie and will be eventually regarded as such. I would like to know the full story. Where did Bigelow/Boal get the information about what led to the confirmation of

I mean was Dr. Strangelove stupid because it took place during the Cold War?

But the courier name was a name they already had. And how long did it take them to get that name? Would not torturing the guy have produced a confirmation of the name faster? It took 10 years to find bin Laden because torture doesn't work.

Why does the timing matter? As people have pointed out she was already making a different bin Laden movie. But even if she hadn't been, who cares? I mean I guess if she hadn't been it wouldn't have been as well researched, which I still believe it was. And it was the best movie of 2012. Just like Social Network was

I think both. Some people are upset because they don't think we tortured, because they are naive and blind. Then some other people are mad because we tortured but they believe it didn't lead to capturing bin Laden.

Like making a movie about Watergate 2 years after Watergate? Or making movies about World War II during World War II?

I hope this isn't the last we've heard of the awesome music they use while depicting each play. Since Barney constructed a quite elaborate play to propose to Robin I'm guessing that he will actually have constructed many different plays in order to win her back. Hopefully that means some of the unused plays will be

It explains why Jessa is constantly jumping from one place to the next but does it really explain why she's such a wretched, horrid person? Her dad seemed really flaky but not outwardly evil.

Is there a chance that Hershel told Tyrese and his crew to infiltrate Woodbury? Would that be a ridiculous plot twist? I know Rick went crazy and kicked them out and then we didn't see them for a couple of weeks.