
Fucking New Yorkers

Never ever say anything that has sprung forth from the genius brain of Larry David is "straight out of Madea" It's an insult to David and JB, who brought the character fully to life.

I say this with zero hyperbole…that was the best Leon episode ever. His first 20 seconds on the episode were JB Smoov's finest work. The mental image painted of the beat-to-shit Prius, that he drove across country, with 8 people in it including a baby…amazing.

Also calls to mind "The Raincoats"
In which George tries to get out of doing a Big Brother program by saying he's going to Paris. Then tries to get the Seinfeld's to mail the Big Brother guy postcards. It doesn't end as well for George though.

Also used on Seinfeld
In "The Secret Code" where Kramer is listening to the emergency band scanner and trying to get the captain of the firehouse to listen to his directions for getting to various fires.

is like a grown-up Max from "Parenthood" right down to the thing about him fixing the TV but only if he got to drive the van.

The Penthouse letter cut from syndication
For YEARS my friends called me crazy when I mentioned the Penthouse letter scene, because we all saw it once, maybe twice on NBC and then again in syndication over and over. Then I finally got the DVDs and was vindicated.

I would watch a reality show
In which comedians went around New York with real estate agents showing them apartments. Conan did it, Louie did it…it's a virtually untapped comedy goldmine. Just hearing those real estate agents using buzzwords to try to sell one room shit boxes with a toilet right below the sink and

Wait so is there a blu-ray coming out
and it'll just have the extras from the DVD release? Or is there no blu-ray coming out either?

Leary is Lenny Clarke in a fat suit
Has anyone ever seen them in a room together?

Holder and the Beau Soleil girl
In hindsight that whole scene where he has in the hotel room makes NO SENSE! Exactly whose benefit was that scene for? It was as if Holder knew a TV audience was watching and had to show people that he was still investigating. Which is completely ludicrous, therefore the scene makes no

I love this album
But on several songs he seems to be riffing on Steve Winwood. Is it just me? Not that that's bad.

His name is Robert Paulsen

So THe Event has already happened however many thousands of years ago? Because I remember in the promos leading up to the premiere Simon and everyone was fretting about "you're going to tell them about the event?"

So let me get this straight
The Event was their planet coming into orbit next to our planet?

The intriguing bread crumb
was kind of dropped when the show returned from the mid-winter hiatus. All the promos had the tagline about them taking their planet back.

There were a ton of great callbacks in this episode
I'd have to watch it again just to remember, or the helpful people of the AV Club discussion forum could lend a hand. The Marshpillow for sure, the Subway Wars music…that's all I have and it's just what I've seen in the comment section.

The summary of this ep on my Comcast cable
"Ted is best man at a wedding that changes his life." Seriously, what a crock of crap that summary is. Enjoyed the episode, but that summary had me thinking this would be something totally different.

Who did Arya overhear
while hiding in the dragon skull? It was Varys and who else?

This is like Lost all over again…or Back to the Future III…man that one was a twisted labyrinth right?!