
I feel like SNL had several pant ad commercials…I think Bad Idea Jeans was a take off on the Docker ads for sure

Could Arnold be any more of a stereotype also? The thing about not grilling because of his pores? C'mon guy

Angelo Stephen and I think Tracey
What was with all of them sitting there on the back patio of their house smoking and judging Amanda and her ribs? I find Amanda highly irritating, an insane truth-screamer and someone who will be undone by her dependence on cooking with alcohol, but I found it more annoying that

Hoping for Home movies for adults
and not animated

Can someone who reads the books/sees the movies…
explain why the vampires are out during the day?

And also, what is Turtle's business?
He's running a limo company? I'm just glad that they run out of colors/designs to make Yankees hats of

Nick Cassavettes
If Vince is a pussy for not wanting to do his stunts then what do you call the guy who directed The Notebook and My Sister's Keeper? A eunech?

Definitely Larry David's voice
In the Chinese Restaurant…after watching Curb over the years and then going back to Seinfeld it's fun spotting Larry or his voice in episodes.

Sherlock Holmes 2: The Chewed Scenery League
Seriously though, pretty awesome. I wonder if they'll actually borrow more from the Doyle source material for this one. I'd heard they were going to be filming in Switzerland which is the setting of the only time Holmes/Moriarty actually faced off in the Doyle stories.

Just happy Angelo lost a challenge
I know he threw the challenge but techically, someone else won it so his prediction about winning them all was wrong. Ass.

Really awesome
And nice being reminded what idiots Angelenos and NYC sports fans are

Guy from Detroit
Felt bad for him since what the fuck is he supposed to make that represents Detroit or Michigan? On the other hand his half-assed, rust-colored failure of a dish was a perfect representation of Detroit so he shouldn't have been kicked off.

Also kind of reminded me of Phillip Glass' score for "The Fog of War"

Kind of obscure but the music reminded me of the music in "Syriana" which I enjoyed. And the show kind of reminds me of Syriana, plus I'm pretty sure Will's father-in-law was in Syriana. SYRIANA!

Greatest movie treatment ever

"or Neeson expresses his supreme satisfaction with a scheme being…
successfully executed"

"or Neeson expresses his supreme satisfaction with a scheme being…
successfully executed"

The Kraft's creations scare the shit out of me
That's all I have to say

I was thinking the same thing…no wonder the mayor has lost faith in Jackson Briggs. That being said, I have to say the movie doesn't look half bad. There will always be a special place in my heart for the MK characters as someone who grew up in the 90s.

So the first movie is about a road trip
Hence the title…second movie is about building a house or some such nonsense (as if I don't actually know and can't quote all of the lines verbatim) so it's called "Are We Done Yet"…so now we're on to a sitcom picking up after the second movie and this sitcom has the same title