
I've yet to see anything "solid" from him. he's done OK in a few quickfires but some of the good chefs haven't done well there and people like Robin have. He's a glommer and last night when he was stuck with a bad chef he made a middling dish.

The Volt brother getting pissed off at Kevin really bugged me. Unless the producers are just doing a lot of selective editing, Kevin seems like one of the most likable people they've ever had on the show. He doesn't seem like a backstabber, he doesn't seem ultra-competitive and jerky, he has almost zero ego and he

In both outfits it looked like Padma was going to a key party in the swingin' 70s.

Mike made a very middling dish this week. He and Robin were the exact middle, diddn't get to the winner's circle or the loser's circle. i don't know what that says about his talent.

Not only is Larry right a lot more than you'd think, but he also gets treated by some people in a way that if he did that to them, they'd flip out. Perfect example was from last night's episode. If Susie had correctly diagnosed Larry's lyme disease and he didn't thank her she would flip out. And that of course is

The Wagner/Wood thing
Was so classic…but my favorite part, as in season 2 of Curb, is Larry and Jason talking about the George character.

The interesting thing to me
Is the idea of the clues on the board…I'm sure that this has been talked about to death already but the clues were in the flashforward which makes Fiennes investigate the clues. But he wouldn't have been investigating them without his flashforward. of course without the flashforwards

That's awesome…for some reason I always think that accounting is in that far corner where Jim's office is, but then I remember that they're on the other side of the reception desk. i wonder what is in that area next to the kitchen. i feel like they've been out there before, I think that's where Daryl and everyone

Penny and Des
While I do think they're played by great actors, I also think their story is the best one, hence why it seems to be the most meaningful exchange. I don't really care what happens to Kate/Sawyer/Jack/Juliet…but I do care about Penny and Des and also Sun and Jin and even Bernard and Rose. Their stories