I was saying Boo-urns

It is indeed very tough. I have two girls, myself, and for my older one, I've been surprised at how quickly she started to absorb traditional gender roles. I think, ultimately, all you can do is let them know that it's ok to like anything they want and let them decide for themselves.

I agree, Mr. Viking. My sisters-in-law are definitely trying to force the whole superhero thing on my niece, and it's a little sad. They decided that her 3rd birthday party would be superhero-themed, but every time they mentioned it, the poor kid would wail that she didn't like superheros. She just wants to dress

On a related note, I really wish my mom told me before she decided to sell all of my old recorded Simpsons VHS tapes at a garage sale. Let's just say whoever bought them was in for a few surprises.

"Person tweets opinion about something" is becoming alarmingly common in news stories that I've been reading lately, even in supposedly reputable publications.

Well what the hell else am I supposed to do with my kids? Never thought of that, did you, AMC?

Boooo…-urns. It was my first one since Link to the Past!

Twilight Princess will always hold a special place in my heart. I had gotten away from console games and video games in general for years (prior to getting my Wii, my last gaming system was a SNES.) Twilight Princess was the first real video game I had played since the 90s, and it's actually my favorite Zelda game

Years ago when I was dealing with Comcast, I was getting nowhere with the representative and asked to speak with his supervisor. He played dumb and pretended that he didn't have a supervisor. He actually acted confused about the very concept of having somebody that's your boss.

Yup, the entire subway system in DC. They waited until 4pm yesterday to announce it too, so everybody had to scramble to figure out what the hell they would even do.

If it makes you feel any better, if you did have other options for TV/internet, they'd probably be just as awful. I know Verizon Fios was for me.

I came into the office today, based on the belief that we would need at least one in-person manager (we have some really needy employees that don't like not having a boss present for some reason). I'm the only person on my whole floor.

I feel like ArmyKaku left out some crucial details that really prevented this story from coming together. Was he on the roof already when the kid walked up to him? I'm stuck here trying to figure out the logistics, and it's detracting from the narrative as whole.

I'm with you 100% on this one. I get the same vibes from this as I do from the people who insist on calling the former host of The Daily Show Jon Leibowitz.

You're right. "Leeches" is far too universal. That was a prime opportunity for an ethnic/racial slur.

You and I are enemies now.

Also, anybody from New Jersey could have told you that Taylor Swift should have been a Taylor Ham, egg & cheese sandwich. That was practically gift-wrapped for them.

So, "Great Job, Internet" is just actively trolling us at this point, right?

Let's focus on the positive. Back in the day, people had to wait years between violent lesbian TV characters' deaths. Recently, audiences get to see dozens of lesbians dying each year. Hollywood is increasing its representation of Lesbians dying horrific deaths, and that counts as progress, right?

I never thought I'd live to see the day that the A.V. Club gets scooped by my mother-in-law's Facebook feed.