
At this point, is it really possible for Walt to successfully take out Gus this season? I don't think it can be done with 18 episodes left. I really don't. Although that may be the part of my brain that  wants Gus to stay around longer speaking.

Honestly wondering how one could rank these last few episodes' closing scenes. The problem dog speech, the flashback, the fight, the power play, and now this… Honestly, I think this was the best closing scene of any Breaking Bad ever, soley based on what it could be setting up for the next two episodes.

I have a pretty good feeling that Mike's going to die this season
Hopefully that coughing theory isn't involved. I wouldn't too shocked if it was next week either.

I meant it's probably referring to an actual shotgun. Which would be kickass

Loved this episode
Nice little violent scene in the beginning for anyone who only watches for 'splosions and the like, then a ton of great little bits of acting. Skyler may still be a bitch, but I hate her a little bit less now that she's in the know on everything.

It roped me in basically with the fact that this episode in its most extreme basis was a big set-up. What's disappointing to me is that I kept thinking that almost every episode of this season was setting up something huge, not for season two but for the next episode or the finale or something, but all I got was even