
Merchant isn't hungry any more either.

Live at the Electric, I am not enjoying. I'm calling the jokes about three seconds before they do them, the problem is.

Live at the Electric, I am not enjoying. I'm calling the jokes about three seconds before they do them, the problem is.

'E's al ower the shop, t' apples 'n pears, MARY FETCH t'PIPING. it's grim oop north

'E's al ower the shop, t' apples 'n pears, MARY FETCH t'PIPING. it's grim oop north

Amon isn't a Nazi, he's pretty clearly meant to be Mao. Taking away someone's bending is analagous to taking someone's private property I assume.

Amon isn't a Nazi, he's pretty clearly meant to be Mao. Taking away someone's bending is analagous to taking someone's private property I assume.

I've never felt any real hatred from Koh. The guy just loves faces. Can't fault a guy for trying to get more of what he loves.

I've never felt any real hatred from Koh. The guy just loves faces. Can't fault a guy for trying to get more of what he loves.

Speedy endings are what the fans crave!

Bah, you have to go outside sometime! Then we'll get you.

Bah, you have to go outside sometime! Then we'll get you.

What distinction do you make between those two options?

What distinction do you make between those two options?

Well try this one out for size!

Well try this one out for size!

Do you need a picture? I got a great picture right here.

Do you need a picture? I got a great picture right here.

I hope the Amon conspiracy theories are gone as well, there were two blows against them tonight.