
@avclub-7cbaf9384cf3835106bf2f444c0bcf65:disqus he's saying he thinks the equalists are a political movement that the establishment has deemed dangerous.

A terrorist training camp? We know only that the people there were learning Chi-blocking from members of the equalists. We don't even know if they were going to join the ranks of the equalist militia or not.

Who are you to say how a man should speak?

I'm planning on seeing Batman and the Avengers in the independent cinema. Inception was brilliant to see there. Also I'll probably try to go in the middle of the day or something.

Superman still has to live on Earth though. That's the arena in which Batman lives, within a system. Where you have a normal life, you have to sleep, you have to eat.

You bozos need to torrent stuff. It's the best way to watch things illegally.

Dale is a far better man than Don. Do you think Don would turn down Audrey Horne's advances?

I found her normal personality obnoxious and her "my parents don't love me" deep emotional core to be boring. I didn't like her jokes, I didn't like her arrogance.

@avclub-91546109eaf110327d50b0955865712a:disqus As you say, I think Amon is using emotional speeches to influence people, but he isn't speaking all of the time. And dictators and leaders more often reflect the mood of the time than create it themselves. Far more people will have been added to the cause by people like

@avclub-91546109eaf110327d50b0955865712a:disqus Not everyone is divided into a robot or an emotion-fueled passion animal. Ideas propagate for different reasons. There are people who would join the equalists but won't if there is proof that Amon is lying.
And Amon does win people over with rational thinking. The idea

The torrents aren't in HD yet. So I got to watch a very shitty rip. However: An excuse to rewatch!

The point about people possibly being unable to see spiritbending is something I hadn't thought of. And of course that makes sense, that in the finale we were seeing a representation of what was happening and that to anyone standing by it would look like nothing.

@avclub-91546109eaf110327d50b0955865712a:disqus Yes, but his following won't be a high-quality one. He can't win over people who believe in rational evidence, for one. And those kinds of people tend to be better to make armies out of.

Surely a more accurate comparison would be between a boxer and a soldier, rather than a criminal.

@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus My point was that Mako & Bolin would never consider bending an issue, so you can't say that they are in the right because they choose not to blame it. Or that the choice not to blame it is the right one, because Mako made that choice.

I like Korra way more than Toph, but that's not hard. Toph was my least favourite member of the Gaang.

It doesn't really undercut, Mako & Bolin wouldn't ever think that bending was the cause of their problem, because they are benders.

And of course, Milo and the rest can have children with the air acolytes.

Word of God about Aang is that he used up a lot of his life span in the iceberg.