Come Back Salmon

Your Companion Cube will not threaten to stab you.

You know what was a funny movie? The Wrong Guy. First half, anyway.


Nobody calls Rob Smetz a clown.

Moulin Rouge is the worst movie ever made. It can't even see the soles of Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things's shoes.

Dog suit for the win. Possibly the creepiest moment in movie history and maybe the greatest non sequitur of all time, provided you ignore how it was set up in the book. Out of all the mad scenes in that movie, that's the one that always makes me think, "That's what total psychosis must be like."

Roll for it!

The prop person might be a fan of Avatar. Or Dev Patel.

It's a tricky grey area.

Short shelf life? Kate Hudson's been around for like 10 fucking years already.

Roots and Triffids

Little Shop of Horatio Hornblower

Fear of Flying Saucers

Little Brother.

Skittle Pool starring Steve Carrell?

Really? He speaks seven different catchphrases? Not seven separate slogans? Some people don't even fucking try.

Somebody talkin bout the Mayonaissonator?

Another year, another goddamn talking pig movie.

Steve Dave, are you sure you were watching rugby and not Aussie rules football? Not that rugby isn't opaque to the uninitiated but Aussie rules is fucking nonsense. Also, I believe it's the only sport (the only circumstance at all, really) in which a flying knee to the spine at a dead sprint is legal.

The word you were looking for is 'hot'. The sleeping bag sex scene in Enemy At The Gates was hot. All the too-hot-and-bothered-to-get-more-than-halfway-naked sex scenes in movies are hot.