
I think they may have been implying that she's mellowing slightly as the world stabilizes under her centuries long guidance. (Of course, that litany of brewing disasters further up in the comments stream seems to suggest the tides may turn again soon.)

But first he gets to fight Nega-Finn, right?

Yeah, that did seem like kind of a big deal. I guess if nuclear apocalypse can resurrect an ancient psychic tandem war elephant, then a giant flying lizard is easy peasy.

To be fair, only one season is on DVD too… But why that is I have no idea.

A Facebook fan of the show suggested the same thing and it really makes a lot of sense. He needs fire to fight fire.

He trades it to some tranch for a comput.., er, I mean, sword and best friend.

AT is still tons of fun but I agree the earlier episodes had some more thematic and visual cleverness that's currently missing from this season. Seeing this episode and Dad's Dungeon back to back rally drive the point home. So many amazing and completely unacknowledged moments in DD. For example, the idea that biting

How? Turn it upside down or something? I missed it!

Totally! Why didn't Finn or Jake say anything?? It was really kind of uncomfortable.

Yeah, things got pretty bleak in those last few moments. Breaking Joshua's sword, then Jake's abduction. Somehow it all seemed even more shocking since everything before it had been so slight. Like things just spiraled our of control. Finding Dad's gun is a good analogy.

I look forward to their inevitable double date with Lumpy Space Princess and Turtle Princess. Sadness!

"Cookie Cat! He left his family behind!"

C'mon man, watch it! Probably took longer to read the review and comments.

Yeah, I didn't get that either. Did the author detect a romantic link? I got a pretty strong "hanging out with cool older sis" vibe from the opening of the second episode, nothing more.

I thought everything looked a lot like the pilot, except maybe they softened Garnett's design a little — presumably to make her more mobile and expressive. She looked like she belonged in a different cartoon in the pilot. Or maybe a refugee from the Destiny Gang in alternate universe Adventure Time. Which, in itself,

Yeah, I can't remember a cartoon lineup that actually kept me entertained for over an hour of original programming each week in a looong time. Maybe in the ages before intentionally crappy looking stoner humor and Seth MacFarlane diluted Adult Swim. Like the Sealab/Harvey Birdman/Space Ghost/Cowboy Bebop era? Like

Garnet is basically Beyonce.

If Adventure Time is the model, I look forward to getting season one of this show on DVD as soon as they hit their 800th episode.

I'm pretty sure Starchy's radio show a parody of Art Bell's Coast to Coast. They pretty much take weekly calls about Lizard People.

Those hotdog knight seem like they could be a handful.