He also slipped up and put stuff in his letter about the Ice King that only he would know about him. So it was really a sort of double betrayal.
He also slipped up and put stuff in his letter about the Ice King that only he would know about him. So it was really a sort of double betrayal.
Honestly, I think the fuck is a cosmic owl was most people's reaction the first time he was casually introduced out of nowhere.
Cinnamon Bun vs Peppermint Butler… Now that's a fight!
I like how it makes him look like a tyrannical Henry VIII.
Maybe he can't actually feel her when he's go flame shield on? It is, after all, a shield…
Controvers? What other episode has he done? Some of the animation reminded me of the one where he gets trapped in a tree…
Isn't it established that his body's ice cold?
God :: Glob :: Gott :: Gloob
Susan seems a little old for Finn. I actually thought she was supposed to be his mother when she was introduced. So, yeah, I don't think I could take a Finn/Susan hookup for that reason alone.
I dunno… randomly torturing an underling with no narrative payoff is pretty bizarre. At least we know that squirrel hates Jake and the Lemongrab devouring (which sort of bummed me out) took place off camera.
Maybe common law plays a role here? We don't know how long Marceline put up with Ash. Could have been quite a while. Maybe their property rights merged.
They're sort of more frenemies before this episode.
I hope they come back to Maja and Crabbit — give a little closure to that dynamic. Otherwise that ending was just… disturbing.
Yeah, Jesse's character designs are flat. If Maja's the next Big Bad, she doesn't hold a candle to the Litch in terms of design. She sort of just looks like a pile of circles and triangles.
Wild-ass almost certainly wrong theory: Ash is Crabbit.
Maja's house wasn't surreal enough??? It felt like something out of King Worm but in the real world!
Also Maja's attic had a framed picture if the ghost from the Creeps.
So random end scene. Can we discuss. What's Maja cooking up? Do you think we've seen the last of her?
Speaking of avoiding questions, I believe his answer to "How old are you?" was "oh, c'mon now, ha ha."