I know Twofer and Tracy don't get along, but somehow intentionally tricking him into getting diabetes seems a bit too low… then again, Frank almost made Jenna eat a cat…
I know Twofer and Tracy don't get along, but somehow intentionally tricking him into getting diabetes seems a bit too low… then again, Frank almost made Jenna eat a cat…
I actually love Kenneth's outlandish rural-ness. (And it's always been a big part of his character. Remember the creepy fundamentalist church in a anonymous basement that he took Tracy to in Season One? Or his roommate 'The Coronal'?)
Does anyone even read the preceding comments? Or do they just hit reply?
I'm assuming the Jenna-Frank hookup will crop up again next week when all of Jenna's hair falls out.
Male Enhancement was another one of them, ARJ.
It's tough judging a film on its own merits when you've read the book first. Oftentimes, if you've read it, characters and events that seem awesome on the screen are actually very poorly explicated. But you only realize this if you don't know the story going in.
I'm always surprised that Watchmen is about the only thing that escapes Amelie's hate in this blog. I mean, I hope it's a good movie — and I know it's a GREAT comic — but I'm very concerned about Zach Snyder's directing this thing. I'm just not a fan of his ultra-fake, testosterone-laden directing style ,…
Thor Freudenthal is pretty much the last name I would expect as the director of a film like this… Should he be back in Germany directly black and white art films involving death and chessboards?
I'm not saying this movie looks like high art, but I did think the previews looked funny. I'll fork over a few bucks if there's more of those pratfalls. Or did they burn off all the fat guy being athletic jokes in the trailer?
Clearly, as we've learned from Mrs. Hawking the watch merchant and Benjamin's friend the butcher, all working-class small business owners are actually part of a secret international cabal bent on protecting the world's time line using mysterious island forces.
At least he didn't get shot by a giant fuckin' flamin' arrow.
Whenever I try to connect the dots on Lost, I get furious nosebleeds.
Charlotte is first introduced digging up polar bear skeletons with Dharma initiative collars in the desert, if I recall correctly. So clearly there's a whole lot more to say about her.
Sawyer's dickishness is backed up by the threat of actual violence. ("Shut it, Ginger; You want one too?") What's so great about Mile's is that all his aggression has no physical outlet — he just lashes out at everyone using words. Maybe being pestered by ghosts all the time does that to a guy. (Although rather than…
Why is Desmond an exception? And how can a bunch of calculations possibly confirm this for Faraday?
Billy Pilgrim has come unstuck in time….
Has anyone deciphered how the island's time-shifting contributed to Walt's growing up so fast? Does time on the island move slower, even before it became unstuck? When the Oceanic Six return after 3 years, will very much time have passed on the island at all?
Well, I admit Mile's being Asian does contribute to his chances of being Dr. Chang's son, but, as I noted in another comment before noting this thread, Dr. Chang also exhibited one of Mile's most obvious (perhaps ONLY) notable personality trait, by which I mean being an overconfident sarcastic douche.
The same sort of comments surface online about Carbonell's eyes regarding his role in the latest Batman movie too. So either the dude always insists on using too much eyeliner or he actually just looks like that. Either way is weird because even if it's natural it's obviously such a distraction in all his roles that…
Drink whenever someone exhibits their favorite addiction: Alcohol (Jack, Jack's dad), pills (Jack again), blow (Charlie), junk food (Hurley), power (Widmore, Sun), violence (Sayid, Sawyer, Kate, the Others, everyone on the whole damn show)…
Dr. Chang's baby = Miles?
Anyone else think that Dr. Chang's baby grows up to be Miles? They still haven't explained his interest in the island, and Dr. Chang was definitely exhibiting some class-A dickishness is the flashback, which is also probably Mile's most notable (and awesome) personality trait. Jackassery runs…