From some reason when you wrote, "pre-P.I. Bill Maher" I thought you were referring to that show he had on showtime where he played a private detective and his partner was that guy from "Back to the Beach".
From some reason when you wrote, "pre-P.I. Bill Maher" I thought you were referring to that show he had on showtime where he played a private detective and his partner was that guy from "Back to the Beach".
From some reason when you wrote, "pre-P.I. Bill Maher" I thought you were referring to that show he had on showtime where he played a private detective and his partner was that guy from "Back to the Beach".
I have a story about Bozeman, Montana. I was driving cross country with my dog and it was about 10 at night and I pull off the freeway in Bozeman. This was maybe 5 days into the road trip and it was summer, but I'd never had a problem with finding a motel or anything. Well, Bozeman was packed. Every motel was no…
I have a story about Bozeman, Montana. I was driving cross country with my dog and it was about 10 at night and I pull off the freeway in Bozeman. This was maybe 5 days into the road trip and it was summer, but I'd never had a problem with finding a motel or anything. Well, Bozeman was packed. Every motel was no…
I agree. I was watching it with a friend of mine (we're not gay, but as I get older I have to say nothing is off the table), and we were coming up with various things Louie could have said to make it less awkward, even if it was something as simple as, "Hey, you saved my life and I don't know how to thank you." Even…
I agree. I was watching it with a friend of mine (we're not gay, but as I get older I have to say nothing is off the table), and we were coming up with various things Louie could have said to make it less awkward, even if it was something as simple as, "Hey, you saved my life and I don't know how to thank you." Even…
I'll say this about The West Wing, for all the drama and the high quality of the actors and the writing and just the whole damn show in general, when it was funny it was about the funniest thing on television.
I'll say this about The West Wing, for all the drama and the high quality of the actors and the writing and just the whole damn show in general, when it was funny it was about the funniest thing on television.
Truly it is the burden of humanity that we have to make such hard choices. It's like that movie with Meryl Streep where she played that lady named Sofie who had to make a choice… I think it was called "The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down".
"Hair styles change and interest rates fluctuate"? Is this a reference to the Val Kilmer film "Top Secret" and if so, what do I win for spotting it?
"Hair styles change and interest rates fluctuate"? Is this a reference to the Val Kilmer film "Top Secret" and if so, what do I win for spotting it?
I always liked Kissinger's line about Nixon, "Even the paranoid have real enemies."
Only Nancy uses his first name.
If I had to explain to someone who didn't game why I still enjoy playing tabletop, I'd have to say when my friends and I get together to pretend to be hobbits saving the world (or whatever), I laugh more than I do at any tv show or movie. I mean, crying-can't-breathe-type of laughter.
Your best bet to end the game early is to close gates so more can open. As long as you're not sealing (unless you're playing with gate bursts), it's the fastest way to summon the Old One.
I see it from Ann's perspective, because sometimes after a heartbreak or a surprise dumping you like to date someone you don't like all that much. And from Tom's perspective, she's Ann. So I can see it.
I had completely forgotten Ann and Andy had dated.
He's certain to get a P+.
what was up with his nose pressing flat against nothing? Between Kenneth and that Leap Day creature I'm starting to fear 30 Rock is going to turn into a "Tales from the Crypt" style show.
Well then, I'm not letting you anywhere near my dishwasher!