I just bought a pack of Alka-Seltzer about a month ago. I've been super-paranoid about bedbugs, and apparently putting an Alka-Seltzer on a damp sponge on a heating pad will act as a trap and let you know if you have bedbugs.
I just bought a pack of Alka-Seltzer about a month ago. I've been super-paranoid about bedbugs, and apparently putting an Alka-Seltzer on a damp sponge on a heating pad will act as a trap and let you know if you have bedbugs.
@Wrath: "Stable" is a relative term.
Hey, when you can open at the Pensacolo Chuckle Hut, then you can talk shit about it. Until then, you pay your dues like everybody else.
@Wrath: I guess if you wanted to win that argument you could have beat her, but if you're not as good-looking as Chris Brown then I guess it wouldn't be the same.
The basketball scene is one of my favorites. We have to come to a parting of the ways there.
I find if you just ignore the surfing and the hang glide scenes, it's actually a pretty good movie.
"Mad Dog and Glory" is maybe the only movie I really enjoyed David Caruso in. "Proof of Life" is in there as well I guess. But his scene in the bar with the wife-beater is a classic.
Yeah, this was Strathairn's episode. The team faded into the background a bit, but I don't think that's worst idea in the world.
Imagine my chagrin to see the 3 reasonable discussions occurring were the post, the repost and the poster complaining about the repost.
For me, the disconnect with reality is the idea that the country would be outraged the President's Chief of Staff had a few drinks two years ago when I would be flabbergasted if 10% of the general population could even name the President's Chief of Staff.
@JP: I took a different view of that scene. I always felt that if there was anyone on the staff— other than Margret, whose loyalty approaches full on samurai levels— who would take a bullet for Leo, it would be Liza Weil. I'm sad they never brought that character back.
Yeah. It's kind of weird to go back and watch that episode and realize Leo's lying to the girl about when he had his last drink. I could see how you wouldn't want to put a date on your last drink with someone who has already given out your personal information, but then why put a date on it at all?
Or is it just a way to pad what would have been five lines of exposition into nearly half an hour of screen time? We may never know for sure.
It would be hard to pick an MYP on this show, but for me it would come down to Artie and Hank every time, and Artie would have a slight edge. if an episode followed Hank around all day I could see that getting a little grating, but I could watch a whole show centered around Artie.
People watch crap.
I would have given this episode maybe a C+. I think the evil Avril Lavigne didn't make for the best big bad and the penultimate ending had a tacked on, going-through-the-motions feel. But the ending was good. It's nice to see BN getting some momentum going with the meta-plot.
Ancient Aliens. That seems to be what's on all the time. I like it because it looks like most of the other shows that come on the History Channel, and if you aren't paying attention you won't notice how batshit crazy it is.
I liked it as well.
I've heard "legs that go from her ass all the way to the floor". Jennifer Tilly says it in the 80's Richard Dreyfus movie about a compulsive gambler on a hot streak, "Let it Ride". But it's an old saying. (I myself no longer use it, now that I've moved on to the term "getaway sticks".)
I've gone on record with this before, but these reasons (and the "IN THE MOMENT and INTENSE and BEARDED" thing) are why Toby is my favorite character. Followed closely by Josh, followed closely by everyone else.