Coolest Kid

Hannah had a great final tribal, but I don't think we saw enough of her confessionals to see where her head was at. She made a huge decision sending Bret home over David, but we didn't get much of a chance to see why she thought it was better. She was thrilled to have power and was upset at Adam's arrogance when he

I completely agree! He played hard, really hard. He won me over and his frenemy-bromance with Adam was one of the best things of the season for me.

I thought Hannah did an excellent job at the final tribal council. It was impressive, but the narrative had not been showing the story she was selling.

How did Adam get loose? That's the kind of footage I'm looking for. Did they wait for him? Do his alliance members have to dig him out? How long did it take? America has questions!

Jay was smart and he's survived longer than I thought. He still has a hidden idol and Will might return to the fold now that Zeke's gone. Also, the look in Jay's eye at the start of the reward challenge was something. He was not going to lose.

Hannah read my mind about the brothers, but wow the Ken from last night was a revelation- not in a good way. Adam's concern about Ken's "test" was great.

I agree to an extent, but I don't think she was sobbing in disappointment. I saw her being confused, but it really was about Oliver and Sara saying goodbye versus what hallucination!Laurel heard.

Exactly and me too. One of the differences is that while some of the crossover story was incidental, they had Sara and Ray as legitimate presences in the A story. Supergirl had 5 seconds of Barry and Cisco. It was more of an effort at a crossover on Arrow.

Yeah, it's hard for me to choose between Felicity and Ray or Ollie because neither are good choices.

I'd move #5 up a few notches, but I agree.

I absolutely loved it. The last ten minutes I could live without, but it was great. Sara and Thea were so impressive in their fight scenes. Laurel- I've missed her too, Alasdair. Oliver's goodbye was beautiful. The villains/masks of the past! Bringing back Ray and Sara from the crossover- who actually have a history

Yeah, it was really annoying and disappointing to watch for a 4 way crossover and not see it. I gave up on Supergirl and LOT last year- just not enough time to watch- but figured I'd pop back in for the crossover which wasn't.

I binged both seasons this weekend and it was great. Luke growing so much in the second season was a nice surprise. Abigail is a nice easy, breezy character- a nice foil for Dylan. My favorite episode of the second season was probably when they visit Angus' cabin in the woods.

Angus reminds me a bit of the brother on Catastrophe, Fergal, excellent comic relief.

Also, if he loses Dolores once and he is the MiB, he's been going for 30 years and would presumably see her every time he visited. That might lessen her human appeal- to survive death and become reborn, but I agree that even if William took a turn, I don't see him becoming the MiB. In fact, if he loses Dolores why

Yeah, they're on Freeform all the time and sometimes ABC too. It's not a series I have to hunt to find.

It was fast, but they set up him to have some actual growth by having him go to Emory. So many shows keep characters on because of actor contracts, how much showrunners like the actor, etc, versus where the story should go. I will absolutely miss Greg very much, but this opens things up.

"I just love him so much" - me, every time Daryl is onscreen.

We aren't going to agree on this, but Caroline did remember and Damon raped her. While she was human Caroline screamed and tried to get away from Damon in bed. That's the exact opposite of consent. She remembered exactly what he did when she was turned and she went after him for it.

I disagree because I can find what Damon did, including raping Caroline for example, to be something I couldn't ever look past and get over Klaus killing Tyler's mother and biting her twice. It's fiction and everyone has different mileage on their standards.