Coolest Kid

Klaus is the only one they know for sure who can cure bites. They haven't ever asked Tyler to see if it would work or not and he hasn't tried.

That's clever. My guess was that he could have been wearing a bracelet, but a non-vervained one for appearances.

Ragnar's eyes were very creepy blue.

What an insane role for a Viking guy to play though. Who wants to be the one to jump over everyone and probably get a stomach full of spear?

I would love it if Mary and Bash got married and it would be a shock.

Catherine at least cares for most of her children anyway.

I think she was troubled too. She did reach out her hand to Clarissa which was a sweet moment. Clarissa went too far this time.

I'm 1000% sure she's not dead. Too much time was spent on burying her and focusing on her face.

While Stefan and Caroline figured things out, which did seem a little convenient, and was reminiscent of them figuring out the sire bond (with an assist from Klaus there), I was impressed Damon put together that Elena wanted him to be killed. That realization could have meant really interesting things for Damon if

Katherine is at her best, "unplugged and untethered." It's also why I'm glad the reveal is coming so quickly. She'll be in scramble-mode where she always does her best work.

I think the point of Caroline trying to compel Matt when he was on vervain was trying to be sure he actually was on vervain. She knew it wouldn't work if he was on it and therefore Nadia couldn't compel him, but if she could, Nadia could too.

The music during Katherine's seduction made me laugh. It was so over the top.

I agree. It doesn't seem to be enough to feed from a vampire. The vampire also has to be killed, which seems much harder for a scientist to manipulate.

We can always comment on next week's episode here since there won't be a new review.

There was an article on EW today with Bash and Catherine. Looks like interesting times are coming- including Mary's mother. (I don't think that's too spoilery. Hasn't she said her mom was coming?)

Will you invite us to join you if you figure it out and the power goes out?

I get confused about the nanites and their power. They're able to get into Aaron's head to create the hallucinations and set people on fire, which seems pretty intelligent, but they weren't able to figure what he was doing? They knew his intentions when they set the soldiers on fire, but they didn't know his

Thanks for the reviews, Les. I really like this show and liked coming here to discuss it.

Daniel seems nutty. (Anyone watch Celebrity Mole?) I think he stands a decent shot.

Was Aaron being clever then by erasing the code on the wall before writing new code, making Peter have to work harder to do it? Interesting.