
I was always so impressed with him, too. Specifically in the way he was able to portray separate and distinct relationships with all the castaways, even if he didn't always have a lot of screentime with them. I always got a sense that he was always doing stuff and talking to people between episodes even though I

I always read Sayid's actions in this episode partly as him learning the lesson from the flashback. Before, there was Nadia, and he was obsessed with her, and willing to sign up to do something terrible in order to find her (ie betraying a friend). He probably would have gone through with it had Essam not killed

Boone's funeral is amazing. I especially loved Sayid's abrupt and unexpected little tribute when no one else spoke up. He was always my favorite, but that made him even more my favorite. He could tell that Shannon was too overcome to say anything, that no one else had anything to say, but SOMETHING had to be said. And

That's a great explanation. Thank you! I've always wondered what the difference was between them in terms of role, but you make great points.

whoops! threadfail.

he only ever does things for good, and he has a way of causing the people around him to do the right thing without them wanting to or even realizing that they are

The Musketeers is my favorite new show for sure. So silly but so much fun. And it looks fantastic. So much custom leather! And Porthos's jaunty hat! I love it.

Desmond was a funny character in the fabric of the show. He never owned a B or C plot. Either an episode was All About Desmond, or he basically wasn't in it at all. No other multi-season regular character got that treatment. And yet his totally separate, often absent plotline drove or introduced most of the

So many great moments. The vending machine. Miles repairing airplanes with duct tape. Jack telling MIB that he doesn't deserve the face he wears. The Sawyer and Miles cop show. The list goes on.

I oddly enjoyed that Shannon didn't know what Finding Nemo was called ("You know, the cartoon with the fish?"). As someone who spent a couple of years abroad and only saw marketing for movies with the titles translated, I understood that phenomenon of not knowing what very popular things were called. It was a funny

Using network television restrictions as an excuse is pitiful. It doesn't need to be R-rated. It doesn't even need to actively happen onscreen. He simply needs to have a passing line about an ex who was a guy. That's all. And the thing about how his sexuality 'will be a minor part of the story' will become laughable

It irks me so much every time I see this series described as "Harry Potter for adults." That was only the first half of the first book. This series is predominantly "Narnia for adults". The second half of the first book is The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the second book is Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and I'm

Numbers is one of my favorites, too. It's a great episode. Very funny and poignant flashback, great island adventure plot. Any episode with Rousseau is great. Sayid and Hurley being buds is always great. I just ignore the last five seconds on the hatch. Numbers and Tricia Tanaka Is Dead represent the things that make


It is so innocent and ridiculous in retrospect, but I was so invested in wanting Kate and Sayid to get together at this point in my viewing. I really thought it was a viable possibility, and I still liked Kate at this point. The hand kiss at the end of Confidence Man had me swooning. The way she stood around and

That quote reminded me of that Monty Python sketch where there's a sports announcer for novel writing (I think it was Henry James?). "He's coming up to the first verb, the first verb of his new novel and it's 'was'! … And now he's staring off into space."

I'm just bummed that this will keep Capaldi from returning as Richelieu in The Musketeers. I really enjoy that daft yet charming series, and given that I gave up on Moffat's version of Who some time ago, I feel even more resentment towards him.

The Alias one was my favorite. That fight scene! Vaughn's ring! Francie doesn't like coffee ice cream!

Wow, that iZombie description is the most involved thing I've ever read.

So sad! I never got the obsession people have with Boba Fett. All of my tertiary character love went to Wedge. Would have loved to see him quietly be the hero, one more time.