
Please continue!
These recaps have not only made my week for the past few weeks, but they are the reason I discovered this website. Someone told me Alias was being recapped and I ran over here and am now obsessed. You've done an amazing job, Ryan. Thank you.

Happy Sigh
David Anders's face on the TV Club homepage.

Putting in Time
See, this is the problem with Alias's first seasons. I love everyone. I really do. But once Sark gets introduced I'm always like, "When's he going to show up again?" No Sark in these eps, but thank goodness for Terry O'Quinn. I never revered him the way I later on after I'd discovered him on Lost, but

I grinned the entire way through this review, just basking in the repetitive thought of "Sark Sark Sark Sark". Who cares what else happened (though I do love Dixon as the Jamaican). This show was already super awesome, but Sark just injected it with so much more. David Anders has been my tv boyfriend for almost

The Long Wait for Sark
I just love how you are using these reviews to talk about JJ Abrams's approach to world-building in general. It makes it so much more interesting than just an Alias recap (which would have been stupendous in and of itself).