
Came here to do the same.

"You have the right to remain ::Punisher matter of factly blasts a grapefruit sized hole through perps face:: GODDAMNIT CASTLE!"

Shut up and be Bullseye.
::is kicked to death::

Cameron Esposito!

Sorry. Funny Heel Kurt is just about my favorite character ever. I was being sarcastic.

Whoa whoa whoa Ms. Ferguson… You think Kurt Angle was better than Rhyno?

That totally panned out.

Shut up Leonard! I talked to your son on family day, I know about your gambling addiction.

You're talking about it.

HHH: Ratings were down this week Pop
Vince: Damnit! I told you Roman should have had four matches.

Wow, indeed. Happy day.

Cameron Esposito!

Guacamelee, either alone or with a pal. Dying Light, only with a pal.

I liked Fibbage but it felt like questions repeated too often.

What? No!

Haven't played it but in that vein Towerfall Assenscion is soooooo much fun.

My fav too. My buddy and I still repeat that one.

::finger guns::

op Ten Things Overheard At The Horse Whisperer - May 21, 1998
10. Loved the horse—hated the whispering.
9. That horse whisperer sure could horse whisper!
8. I've seen movies with horses, I've seen movies with whispering, but I've never seen movies with both horses and whispering.
7. This was ten times better than 'The

I'll allow it.