Hooch is Crazy

And Rachel and Kristina are going to become friends, and then Amber and Rachel are gonna switch jobs, so Amber can get the job she actually wanted to begin with, and everyone can be happy.

Slings and Arrows

Nah, Zoe's huge. She's definitely in her third trimester. Not consuming bad foods for one month isn't going to save him.


They're the class of '99 so this is there…12 year reunion?

I'm not sure if I heard it correctly, but last week when they were talking about Jane's old vision board, did Brad say, "It wasn't pictures of me, it was those guys from In Living Color"? 

I really liked Studio 60, too. I agree with some of these issues laid out in the article, but not all of them, and some of them I don't see as something that has to be negative.

I actually think the bootytown line was "until she decides to let me have sex with her." I'm not necessarily pointing this out to nitpick, but rather because I think that the "let me" part makes it that much funnier.

My favorite Glenn Howerton moment was the face he gave Mac when Mac was going on about making sure they get food.