
I am kind of over the English, they are all sad and boring. I want the Vikings back in their villages setting people straight asap

Likeable in the sense of "I like watching him" yes absolutely. I got tired of everyone except him an Ellie, even the new characters were uninteresting.

I don't get that vibe from him at all actually. I still don't know what I think about Athelstan after 3 seasons though.

I agree. The leads are still fantastic, but I started disliking basically every other character. Which makes for tedious viewing.

I find Joe to be a very poorly developed character.

Didn't enjoy the second nearly as much as the first. I feel like a lot of the people we loved from the first season just come across as caricatures. Maybe that's the downside of binge watching it. Still love Ellie and Hardy though.

"What's your moms favorite kind of soup? Is it tomato?"

Honestly not sure why anyone would bang Ecbert with all the hot vikings around. I am waiting for Lagertha and Ragnar to start bumping on the side.

The Althelstan married lady love triangle might be interesting if she looked at him as some kind of saintly person, like made her a religious superfan of a man she sees as a living saint. But it seems pretty typical from the promo. ZZZzzzzzz

I kind of want Lagertha to kill Ecbert, all the dudes in her village, almost everyone basically. They are all such basic bitches compared to her!

Not gonna lie, I fell asleep watching The Hustler. Oops!

For two seconds I was really hoping they would watch She's the Man from the on demand menu. Hilarious tv show watching hilarious movie, world's colliding! Alas it was too good to be true and they skipped it.

They were told, or I guess Sousa was told, explicitly by Thompson, the woman is a crazy assassin so just start shooting.

They didn't even get a shot off, and she actually paused in front of two of them before disarming. It was just a badly timed action sequence for me.

I still can't believe no one shot Russian lady spy. She was standing right in front of at least two guys outstretched guns and no one got a shot off until she was away. I'm still annoyed by it.

Yes it's both.

I like The Quiet Man, but the premise is immensely frustrating. Let the woman have her goddamn money dude!

For anyone still wondering…NO this is not a good film. But you should definitely see it with some fun people so you can all laugh at it together. By the end of the movie, just a silhouette of Eddie Redmayne on screen had my theater howling with laughter. This movie is, unintentionally, hilarious. I don't regret seeing…

Ilana's reaction made me laugh so hard I gave myself a headache.

It's Miss Phryne Fisher! She looks so different without the short black bob hairdo.