
She's almost married/been pushed at a LOT of dudes. It's like a hobby.

But I can't handle another season of Lady Mary sad! I like him because she likes him, and if he goes she will be miserable.

But I can't handle another season of Lady Mary sad! I like him because she likes him, and if he goes she will be miserable.

She's boring.

She's boring.

Except Arab and Persian are not the same thing

Except Arab and Persian are not the same thing

Agreed, and I'm not a fan of this emotional stuff. Give me the Shay's and Dalia and all that for 20 minutes each week…and where is Yakult?

Agreed, and I'm not a fan of this emotional stuff. Give me the Shay's and Dalia and all that for 20 minutes each week…and where is Yakult?

Is next week the finale? How many episodes will Copper have?

Is next week the finale? How many episodes will Copper have?

It's not called soda in Indiana, it's pop. The fact they didn't take two seconds to google that soda/pop/coke map thingy means this episode gets a D. Even if I liked it!

It's not called soda in Indiana, it's pop. The fact they didn't take two seconds to google that soda/pop/coke map thingy means this episode gets a D. Even if I liked it!

If an actor has more than a couple Smallville episodes on their IMDB page, you know they're an excellent cryer (crier?)

If an actor has more than a couple Smallville episodes on their IMDB page, you know they're an excellent cryer (crier?)



Agreed, and I don't know if it's her new hair color, or her makeup, but her face looked orange-y

Agreed, and I don't know if it's her new hair color, or her makeup, but her face looked orange-y

I still have to read Old Man's War, but I love The Android's Dream. Hilarious book and a lot of fun.