

"Not a fan of Parks and Rec" is a phrase that my brain cannot compute.

I won't lie…I am eagerly awaiting the moment to appropriately yell "Bitch, it's 5:30!" and then ten minutes later yell "Bitch, it's 5:40!"

I knew when it started that I would enjoy the joke, even though I saw it coming. Sometimes the slow gag works.

I love brown people!

Little Winston was way cooler than regular Winston. Little Winston should become the new regular Winston.

That's not the case, they said she does actually make those kind of funny remarks in real life, but all the lines on the show are scripted. Julian Fellowes is very clear that he is NOT a fan of improv. But of course he tries to come up with the best quips for Maggie.

@avclub-be8c0b0f1e53415a099c9d2a7ab103ce:disqus based on my watching of British sketch comedy…you are not right.

He still seemed adamant after that because two minutes later he was talking about how they deserved to be unhappy, and even when they arrived at dinner later on in the ep "I wish you'd fight for her but I know you won't"…it took Matthew a while.

Grantham didn't remember the details of what they spoke about until the lawyer quoted the conversation back to him.

The case was fairly strong but wouldn't have been if Bates hadn't QUOTED his conversations with lord Grantham for the prosecution to use. He is so fraking stupid.

Sybil and Branson are already married. I assume "the wedding" they refer to is Mary and Matthew.

I agree, Mary and Matthew were adorable, I loved that proposal. Though it must be an old timey English thing for people not to say "I love you" to each other. I think Anna is the only person who has ever said those words.

Even better was Michelle's performance during that scene. Trying not to cry…she was so great!

I thought it was pretty obvious that Matthew's final motivation to propose was when they were dancing. It dawned on him that she was actually going to leave…go really far away…and maybe not come back for a very long time, if at all. "Will you be gone long?" had an underscore of "Ohhhh shit" to it.

The american adventures of mary and anna would be AMAZING

A ton of hilarity in this episode…I particularly enjoyed Jess spraying perfume at vag level and walking through the cloud.

That's racist, Kyle.

I find the idea of Schmidt and Jess getting together very very unappealing.

And we're lucky the actress playing her has some serious talent. She's wonderful to watch.