zombie austen

Thank you! Came to the comments specifically to see if anyone else had that thought- glad I'm not the only one!

Hate to burst your bubble, but I believe it was "AP Graded" to rhyme with "heavily weighted" (When Rebecca says she had a 5.0 GPA), as a reference to how taking AP classes can weight your GPA. And I know this only because I've been watching the Youtube video on repeat.

Yeah, this is the first time I have found the legal holes big enough to be distracting since the pilot (I kept doing the math- so Rebecca is what, 26, and was making partner in a big NY firm? Somehow of all the ridiculousness of this show, I just had a hard time letting that one go). I wish they could have at least

I kind of like the idea of them being in a "work marriage" that never actually leads to any hooking up, or really even socializing outside of work.

no you are not

Agreed. I think the super special new version of Utopium is new since the events of last season, so it would have to be Don-E, not Scott-E that Liv saw in her vision. Since Liv knew there was a "new player" challenging Boss for the utopium market, and since she knew Don-E works for Blaine, she realized that Blaine

"Major keeping this secret seems like contrived nonsense designed to keep unnecessary, prolonged tension between characters—and certainly, in some ways it most definitely is—but from Major’s point of view, he is doing what he has to do to keep them all safe." THIS. Just when I was starting to accept Major's action

To me he will always be the soccer hooligan from Eurotrip

Mutants? Or is that reserved for Heroes (Reborn and otherwise)

"Greg can't just be happy? That's so sad, that he had to discard Heather…" but in the end he realized he had commitment issues and that he shouldn't discard Heather and they were cool…. so, no sadness

I also think that the show does a good job of showing that people aren't just "nice guys" or not. In the argument b/w Josh and Greg, Josh was being sort of a dick, and Greg had a point. But that doesn't change the fact that Josh is the only one (on the bus) who treated Rebecca with kindness.

I love Ravi too, but I believe he has only "mentally assembled" his own utility belt

I don't think the show ever says, except to say she's gone through this before a few times, which seems to imply that she's gone through it before and gotten better, then bad again. Somehow I imagine that she would have taken meds, then when things seemed better gone off them. She may have done this a few times and

It boggles my mind how this show has slowly shifted for me, and I only started watching about a month ago. For the first several episodes I found myself saying "you know, usually I don't like shows where everyone is unlikeable, but somehow I'm loving this one- I guess because they put it right out there in the

I think you may be confusing the show's take on Rebecca with Rebecca's take on Rebecca. Rebecca took Greg's objections as being stubborn, but I tend to think Greg is a much closer proxy to the audience than Rebecca is, and the audience isn't necessarily supposed to take Rebecca's side.

I think in one episode they showed Gilda watching while he was on the bridge.

I thought Supermax was going to be an energy drink that made it so the user can get away without ever sleeping…?